Oxford Terrace Baptist Church on the corner of Madras St and Oxford Terrace, and alongside the Central City Fire Station on Kilmore St.
Oxford Terrace Baptist Church on the corner of Madras St and Oxford Terrace, and alongside the Central City Fire Station on Kilmore St.
Can't believe how much of this rock fell off! Its looks totally different - no longer a castle. Sad but very glad that the huge rock did not hit anything on the way down!
Nice to see the Cabbage Tree is still standing! View On Black Demolition continues on the old Beckenham shops after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch on the 4th September 2010. This view is looking from the car park out at th...
The bridge on River Road just before the Banks Ave turn off. The bridge approach to the left subsided. Temporary repairs have been carried out but you can still see evidence of the amount of subsidence by the traffic island in the middle of the road.
The bridge on River Road just before the Banks Ave turn off. Looking down at the Avon River side of the Shirley Stream bridge showing how much the ground has slumped by - notice the unpainted concrete now exposed.
It is hard to imagine the destruction which surrounds this area on such a beautiful clear calm sunny spring morning, It seems as if Christchuch has changed forever. I wonder how long it will take us to recover.
The sign reads: The CTV Building was headquarters of Canterbury Television (CTV) and also housed King’s Education language School, a medical clinic, Hair Consultants, Relationship Services and a nursing school. On February 22nd 2011 the building collapsed as a result of a major earthquake. Sadly, 115 people who were in the building lost their l...
The permanent closure (to motor vehicles) of the Bexley red zone streets has started. This was once the main south-north route just west of the Avon River in the New Brighton area, till an expressway (ring road) was built about 80m to the west (right) about 12-13 years ago. Then it became just another suburban street, but now all the houses ...
AMI Stadium (Lancaster Park), not used since the February 2011 earthquake. It was used predominantly for rugby and cricket. We are still waiting to see what the outcome is for this stadium. Government want a new one closer to the CBD, so there is talk of this being demolished, while others want it repaired. The concrete pad lower left is ...
Scavenger Hunt 101 - SH 8 (abandoned building or ruin) The ruins/remains of what was the third highest building in Christchurch, pre earthquakes, the Price Waterhouse Coopers building in Armagh Street. At 76.3 metres ( 21 floors) the demolition has left the basement (now flooded) and these supports. Just one of many photos from Christchurch ...
Maybe it should be titled "Pray Here"! The old church buildings next to the Christchurch Basilica (Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament) have been demolished and replaced with ANOTHER Wilson's Car Park. Hundreds of sites in the city where buildings have been demolished after the earthquakes have been replaced in the short term by car parks!
Prior to the earthquakes (mainly the February 22 2011 event) this park bench was at track level. Shortly after the February quake someone in the council did the sums and realised that the area near the Avon River had dropped between a metre and 1.4m (about 4 foot), so a rush job by contractors shifted in many tonnes of rock and gravel to raise a...
As buildings are demolished as a result of the earthquake in 2011, Wilson Carparking are waiting to pounce on each bit of vacant land. Someone suggested about a year ago that the city be renamed "Wilson" as that name appears more in the central city than Christchurch does! In the background the CERES NZ nibbler attacks the support structure fo...
20130125_1749_1D3-400 Road Closed 1 The Lyttelton side of Evans Pass is closed (since the earthquake 23 months ago - 22/02/11). Prior to the road tunnel (through the Port Hills) opening in the early 1960s this was the main access road to the port of Lyttelton. #3072
The South New Brighton jetty has been closed for 3 or 4 years (fenced off) then the fence was removed and it was "open", but nothing has happened to it since the earthquakes, but it is closed again now, although it looks like a home made sign!
The Cranmer Court demolition started today in Christchurch. The 1876 building was originally a Normal School and was in a derelict state in the early 1980s when it was rescued and converted into apartments. The heritage-listed building was red-stickered after the February 2011 earthquake.
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect. 113/115 - Natural Framing. In the middle of the rebuild, wall murals are everywhere is Christchurch. The framing is wire fence around ballet dancer, although there is plenty of evidence of framing/boxing around the foundations.
A magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred at 4:35 am on September 4, 2010 here in Christchurch. There was damage and destruction to buildings but no loss of life. Five months later (22nd Feb, 2011) the city was struck by another quake. This time we weren't so lucky. 185 people lost their lives. Many people lost homes and businesses. The central b...
Merrivale Mall continues after the massive aftershock sustained by Christchurch on 22nd February 2011.
Clean-up in the CBD of Christchurch is well under way after the 6.3 magnitude quake 22 Febraury 2011.
There is some beauty in the desolate and near empty Dallington Red Zone.
Cleaning up the silt and sand from Hoon Hay properties. Here Laura, Robbie, and Ronny are part of the clean-up crew on Wyn Street.
Today was the first time I have been to the earthquake memorial since it was completed and opened on 22nd February 2017, six years after the devastating quake that killed the 185 that are named on this wall. I knew two of the people on the list.
Awaiting the demolition ball! See the hole punched in by the neighbouring building (now demolished) during the February 22 2011 earthquake. This building is leaning to the north (left) while it's now demolished neighbour was leaning to the south (right). All because the crap land gave way underneath!
Oxford Terrace Baptist Church on the corner of Madras St and Oxford Terrace, and alongside the Central City Fire Station on Kilmore St. The organ pipes have been saved and safely removed into safe keeping by the South Island Organ Company.
Oxford Terrace Baptist Church on the corner of Madras St and Oxford Terrace, and alongside the Central City Fire Station on Kilmore St.
Oxford Terrace Baptist Church on the corner of Madras St and Oxford Terrace, and alongside the Central City Fire Station on Kilmore St.
Another house has gone from Seabreeze Close, Pacific Park, Bexley, leaving just the concrete base, a few floor tiles and the smashed toilet (throne). Houses are being demolished (85%) or deconstructed/shifted (15%) as a result of land damage in the major earthquakes of 4th September 2010, 22nd February 2011, 13th June 2011 and 23rd December 2...
Demolition of the relatively new seven-storey Waters Edge Apartments in Ferrymead continues. CERES Environmental NZ are doing the job for CERA (Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority). Some will be pleased to see this block go as there was lot of resentment to it being built on the site of the old Ferrymead Tavern, Selected for Explore, #347...