Cross cracks in the brick wall of St Elmo Courts apartment block at the Hereford Street / Montreal Street intersection.
These cracks would worry me but apparently the building is generally Ok.
Now empty and soon to be demolished - sadly for the family and all the customers. Fortunately all plant and stock saved and the search to go on for another suitable space
Following Feb 22nd 2011 6.3 shake this building is no more.
These cracks would worry me but apparently the building is generally Ok.
Cunningham House at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens is still closed due to earthquake damage. I wonder if it will ever re-open or suffer the demolition fate many other iconic structures in Christchurch have.
The jetty in the South New Brighton Domain was rebuilt a few years ago. It was straight and level till the earthquakes. Has been closed for 2½ years now. The shags like it though!
Photos taken at Gap Filler fair on April 9 following the February 22 earthquake. www.gapfiller.org.nz/ File reference: CCL-2011-04-08-Addington-Gapfiller-003.jpg From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken at Gap Filler fair on April 9 following the February 22 earthquake. www.gapfiller.org.nz/ File reference: CCL-2011-04-08-Addington-Gapfiller-005.jpg From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken at Gap Filler fair on April 9 following the February 22 earthquake. www.gapfiller.org.nz/ File reference: CCL-2011-04-08-Addington-Gapfiller-007.jpg From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 20 showing the demolitions on London Street following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: CCL-2011-04-20-Lyttelton-Demolitions-P1120071 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken at Gap Filler fair on April 9 following the February 22 earthquake. www.gapfiller.org.nz/ File reference: CCL-2011-04-08-Addington-Gapfiller-002.jpg From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken at Gap Filler fair on April 9 following the February 22 earthquake. www.gapfiller.org.nz/ File reference: CCL-2011-04-08-Addington-Gapfiller-004.jpg From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken at Gap Filler fair on April 9 following the February 22 earthquake. www.gapfiller.org.nz/ File reference: CCL-2011-04-08-Addington-Gapfiller-008.jpg From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken in Lyttelton on April 20 showing the demolitions on London Street following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: CCL-2011-04-20-Lyttelton-Demolitions-P1120095 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken at Gap Filler fair on April 9 following the February 22 earthquake. www.gapfiller.org.nz/ File reference: CCL-2011-04-08-Addington-Gapfiller-001.jpg From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken at Gap Filler fair on April 9 following the February 22 earthquake. www.gapfiller.org.nz/ File reference: CCL-2011-04-08-Addington-Gapfiller-006.jpg From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
20130312_4425_1D3-150 South New Brighton boardwalk track [Explored] Damaged in the earthquakes, now with more bends and not level as it was before. Selected for Explore. #306 12/05/13 #3402
Photos of Christchurch City LIbraries Outreach staff working in welfare centres following the February 22 earthquake. File ref: CCL-2011-02-27-OperationStoryTime-boys-with-book From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
All this is "red zone" after the earthquakes and has to be demolished. The roof of my "old" house (now owned by the government) can be seen between the third and fourth river-side houses.
Photos of Christchurch City LIbraries Outreach staff working in welfare centres following the February 22 earthquake. File ref: CCL-2011-02-27-OperationStoryTime-lynette-and-boys-on-bikes From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
It's five years since the earthquake, and for the first time I feel a sense that the rebuild is taking effect. In this photo - the left hand building is on the way up, and the right hand building is on the way down.
Note the innovative use of hay bales on the left side of the image.
Photos taken at the Lyttelton Community briefing held on March 7 2011 following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake on 22 February 2011. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-07-Lyttelton-Community-Briefing-P1110625 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Christchurch's Cathedral
Photos taken at the Lyttelton Community briefing held on March 7 2011 following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake on 22 February 2011. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-07-Lyttelton-Community-Briefing-P1110622 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Photos taken at the Lyttelton Community briefing held on March 7 2011 following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake on 22 February 2011. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-07-Lyttelton-Community-Briefing-P1110619 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Photos taken at the Lyttelton Community briefing held on March 7 2011 following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake on 22 February 2011. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-07-Lyttelton-Community-Briefing-P1110621 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
This restaurant used to do bookings for large groups only and you all had to pick and wear funny hats from hooks around the walls.
The side wall of the building on the left collapsed onto their roof, collapsing it into the stonemasons store. Several gravestones were also damaged!