The earthquake re-pair work has started on the Knox Church on Bealey Avenue, August 14, 2013 Christchurch New Zealand. While building after building is torn down in Christchurch, plans are in place to ensure as much of a 131-year-old church is retained as possible. Knox Church on Bealey Avenue suffered major damage in the February 22 earthquak...
Earthquake damaged building on a Walk around the city, May 1, 2014 Christchurch New Zealand. Demolition work on Christchurch's "distinctive" former civic building is under way. The category-2 heritage building was designed by G A J Hart and opened in 1939 as the Miller's department store. It featured the South Island's first escalator, which...
Awaiting demolition
A house, one of the few still remaining in the Dallington Red Zone (Avonside Drive, Dallington). The area is "red zoned" due to land damage from earthquakes (mainly the February 22nd 2011 6.4 magnitude quake).
For Best View Press"L" All 23 Arts Centre heritage buildings received significant damage in the earthquake and its subsequent aftershocks, and all have been issued with a red “Unsafe” placard. As a result of the magnitude of this damage, the Arts Centre Trust Board— the body charged with ensuring this iconic precinct is preserved and pr...
8 Velsheda Street, Bexley, Christchurch, across the road from my house was demolished a week or so ago, just one of many demolitions of Red Zone properties at the moment. This house was about ten years old and suffered land damage during the 4th September 2010 and 22nd February 2011 earthquakes. The same fate awaits my house later in the year o...
Best View - Press "L". After 36 million liters of water mysteriously disappeared from this reservoir on Huntsbury Hill following the February 22nd 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch work has started on repairing it. This image shows just how large the tank is with a work-truck parked inside it. See Video of TV3 News item:
Fallen headstone due to September 4th earthquake: Mary Ann DONALDSON Died 20 April 1908 aged 68 years Occupation: domestic of Division Street Born: England [information from cemetery online database and listed as in same plot as below] In loving remembrance of James DONALDSON who departd this life June 10th 1904 aged 77 years "Thou shalt come t...
Fallen headstone due to September 4th earthquake: Mary Ann DONALDSON Died 20 April 1908 aged 68 years Occupation: domestic of Division Street Born: England [information from cemetery online database and listed as in same plot as below] In loving remembrance of James DONALDSON who departd this life June 10th 1904 aged 77 years "Thou shalt come t...
The South Brighton bridge abutment (city side). Bridge looks fine, just both approaches have moved A LOT!
A local resident walks to the nearest dairy for essentials after the 7.1 magnitude quake, that has caused major infrastructure damage to Christchurch City.
The city side of the South Brighton bridge. Approaches on both sides will need extensive work before this bridge can re-open. Bridge opened for traffic less than a week later, but still (23/09) has 30kmh speed restriction.
The sea wall at Beachville Road, Redcliffs, after the earthquake. It used to be straight and level - not now! As a teenager I went fishing off this wall.
The electrical supply substation built into the Lion Breweries Canterbury Draught brewery in St Asaph Street, Christchurch. Now the whole complex is being demolished due to earthquake damage.
Latimer Hotel, Latimer Square, Christchurch File reference: CCL-2012-04-06-LatimerSquare-April-2012-DSC_0855.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Friday 22 February 2013. File reference: CCL-2013-02-22-River-of-FlowersDSC_03408.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
File reference: CCL-2011-08-12-CanterburyPublic Library pre-demolition-003 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Photos taken in Lyttelton showing the demolition of various buildings following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: CCL-2011-05-20-Lyttelton-Demolition-P1120462 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Photos taken in Lyttelton showing the demolition of various buildings following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: CCL-2011-04-29-Lyttelton-Demolition-P1120222 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Photos taken in Lyttelton showing the demolition of various buildings following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: CCL-2011-05-20-Lyttelton-Demolition-P1120453 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
The community centre in my old neighbourhood. Now it's an empty lot.
File reference: CCL-2011-11-22-IMG_0783PODattheShow November2011 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand
The community centre in my old neighbourhood. Now it's an empty lot.