Miss Feaver florist on Hills Road File Ref: CCL-2011-03-17-St Albans-IMG_0390 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Shipping containers against the cliff on the road to Sumner, Christchurch. File reference: CCL-2012-05-12-Around-Sumner-May-2012 DSC_020.JPG From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Miss Feaver Florist on Hills Road File Ref: CCL-2011-03-17-St Albans-IMG_0389 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Tiler at work on the steps of Ambrose Heal. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-17-St Albans-IMG_0376 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Revealed after the SoulFood Cafe building was demolished
Photo taken Jan 2011 - the cracks in the front of the building get a little bigger with each aftershock.
former site of sweet shop, Christchurch City Mission charity shop and Soul Food Cafe
Still standing in Jan 2011 - but the buildings future is unknown - It is probably destined to be demolished.
Revealed after the SoulFood Cafe building was demolished - Haircutting for 6d and a shave for thruppence? how old is this?
The Greek Souvlaki place was closed for several months while the building next door got demolished.
Same view as a previous shot - taken in January 2011 after the block of buildings was demolished.
The window that was hanging precariously finally fell when the Boxing Day 4.9 shock hit at 10.30am
Another hole has appeared in the street where a building has been demolished. Selwyn Dealers next door sensibly moved all their stock away from the adjoining wall just in case.
The flooded Bexley Wetlands, now about 1 - 1.5metre below pre earthquake level. The short length of fence (mid ground) was on the "river track" that the council closed about three years ago. The whole track in this view is now under about 500mm water at high tide. The main track in front of the houses was, prior to earthquakes, below the leve...
The South New Brighton jetty was rebuilt a couple of years before the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes wrecked it. Then, it was straight, level and all railings on left side were intact. Was closed to the public for about four years but is open now. #7221
20131228_6787_1D3-82 Twelve Days of Christmas (part 2) The NG building on Madras Street was given the go ahead to repair earthquake damage, which the owners did at some expense, Now, the government want this land to build a central city stadium, so there is a protest on the windows set to the Christmas song the Twelve Days of Christmas. 12 mi...
20120321_2397_1D3-47 Beachcomber Dairy Corner of New Brighton Road and Rawson Street, New Brighton. This diary is inside the suburban red zone and will probably be demolished some time in the future. See how the earthquakes have moved the footpath - the post and phone box used to stand straight! This is one of the Teleccom Wi-Fi hotspot boo...
What I found on a walk around the city Christchurch November 20, 2013 New Zealand. www.isaactheatreroyal.co.nz/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Christchurch_earthquake
20120805_7586_1D3-600 30 seconds later the dust drifts across the city. Following the demolition of the earthquake damaged Newstalk ZB building. #2649
Otukaikino Reserve ,Christchurch .Hasn,t been open since Sept earthquake so i dont know what it is like now but it was a very nice area
File Reference: CCL-2010-CanterburyProvincial-IMG_0779 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
File Reference: CCL-2010-CanterburyProvincial-IMG_0783 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
File Reference: CCL-2010-CanterburyProvincial-IMG_0780 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
The site of my favourite Indian restaurant in Christchurch.
File Reference: CCL-2010-CanterburyProvincial-IMG_0781 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
File Reference: CCL-2010-CanterburyProvincial-IMG_0782 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Being demolished.