Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07-MG_9201 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07-IMG_9203 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07IMG_9207 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07IMG_9202 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07-IMG_9198 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07IMG_9197 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07-IMG_9211 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07-IMG_9208 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07-IMG_9196 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07-IMG_9215 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Demolition work on Brannigans building, Gloucester Street. File reference: CCL-2012-02-07-IMG_9195 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Now demolished.
20161112_9961_7D2-70 The future face of Christchurch? Cultivate Christchurch is operating this urban farm in the city, about 5-10 minutes walk to Cathedral Square. Many of the buildings in this area were demolished after the earhquakes, and in the background is a new building on Kilmore Street.
A week ago this building was intact, now partially demolished. Will be an empty site in a week or two.
Facade and roof of this building collapsed during the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on Saturday 4-9-2010.
Roof and parapet of this building collapsed during the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on Saturday 4-9-2010.
Facade and roof of this building collapsed during the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on Saturday 4-9-2010.
Facade and roof of this building collapsed during the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on Saturday 4-9-2010.
Parapet and roof of this building collapsed during the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on Saturday 4-9-2010.
Parapet and roof of this building collapsed during the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on Saturday 4-9-2010.
Parapet and roof of this building collapsed during the magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Christchurch on Saturday 4-9-2010.
Very sad - was a nice looking building. These cracks are right through the bricks on several of the main columns.
Maybe you can see the 8m high dirt bunt at the foot of the Manchester Courts building to reduce collateral damage.
7.1 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Maybe it should be titled "Pray Here"! The old church buildings next to the Christchurch Basilica (Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament) have been demolished and replaced with ANOTHER Wilson's Car Park. Hundreds of sites in the city where buildings have been demolished after the earthquakes have been replaced in the short term by car parks!
Armagh Street, near the corner of Durham Street North, looking east-ish towards the Canterbury Provincial Council and Supreme Court Buildings.
Armagh Street, near the corner of Durham Street North, looking east-ish towards the Canterbury Provincial Council and Supreme Court Buildings.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These buildings have since been demolished. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.
The September Canterbury earthquake. These buildings have since been demolished. Note: these photos were taken on a cellphone; mind the quality.