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Images, eqnz.chch.2010

20140521_1080_1D3-24 It has started! Removal of the double-glazed windows is underway at my "red zone" house, now owned by the Government of New Zealand. Sold to CERA (the government agency) in October 2012 and has remained empty since, despite having little damage, apart from the tilt to the front from the land damage that occurred during the...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

Overlooking McCormacks bay out across the city with the Southern Alps as a backdrop. There is still a strong effect from the July 11, 2011 Volcanic erruption (Puyehue) in Chile. Ash made it over to New Zealand causing very strong colours at sunset. The colours have not been artificially changed and its not a mash up. The parts of the city (and...

Images, eqnz.chch.2010

The earthquake re-pair work has started on the Knox Church on Bealey Avenue, August 14, 2013 Christchurch New Zealand. While building after building is torn down in Christchurch, plans are in place to ensure as much of a 131-year-old church is retained as possible. Knox Church on Bealey Avenue suffered major damage in the February 22 earthquak...