Photos taken at the Lyttelton Community briefing held on March 7 2011 following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake on 22 February 2011. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-07-Lyttelton-Community-Briefing-P1110621 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Photos taken in Lyttelton following the February 22 earthquake. File ref: CCL-2011-03-05-After-The-Earthquake-P1110453 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch on 22 February 2011. CCL-2011-02-22-Earthquake-P1110171 We all have earthquake stories to tell — and we’d like to hear yours. Please submit your story on our website, and let us ...
Photos taken following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch on 22 February 2011. CCL-2011-02-22-Earthquake-P1110167 We all have earthquake stories to tell — and we’d like to hear yours. Please submit your story on our website, and let us ...
Photos taken following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch on 22 February 2011. CCL-2011-02-22-Earthquake-P1110170 We all have earthquake stories to tell — and we’d like to hear yours. Please submit your story on our website, and let us ...
Photos taken in Parklands Library on March 31 following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: CCL-2011-03-31-New Brighton-After-The-Earthquake-NB Parkland 013 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken in New Brighton on March 31 following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: CCL-2011-03-25-New Brighton-After-The-Earthquake-NB Parkland 007 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photos taken in Lyttelton on March 20 following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: CCL-2011-03-20-After-The-Earthquake-P1110728 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Photo taken outside Opawa Community Church on March 20 following the February 22 earthquake. File reference: CCL-2011-03-20-After-The-Earthquake-P1110689 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Tiler at work on the steps of Ambrose Heal. File Ref: CCL-2011-03-17-St Albans-IMG_0376 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries.
Photos taken in Lyttelton following the February 22 earthquake. File ref: CCL-2011-03-05-After-The-Earthquake-P1110606 From the collection of Christchurch City Libraries
Low tide on the Avon River at New Brighton/Bexley. Note the original bank and the rock wall slipage on right. The white additions were added in March and April 2011 to protect the properties behind from flooding. Ultimately this area was "red zoned" with all houses removed or to be removed and the ground left till a rehabilitation method can ...
"Open Theatre" - The Odeon Built in 1883 and known as the Tuam Street Hall or Theatre and was New Zealand's oldest masonry, purpose built theatre. In 1930, it became the St. James Theatre, It became The Odeon Movie Theatre in 1960. Demolition started in September 2012 after the Christchurch earthquakes of 2010/2011 but seems to have stopped!?
Another city walk around, this time with my brother-in-law from Auckland. Also went to the Quake City exhibition in the city organised by the Canterbury Museum. First fine day for a while.
At least two broken pieces from the Scott statue rest in the Canterbury Museum. The statue toppled in the 22nd February 2011 earthquake.
As buildings are demolished as a result of the earthquake in 2011, Wilson Carparking are waiting to pounce on each bit of vacant land. Someone suggested about a year ago that the city be renamed "Wilson" as that name appears more in the central city than Christchurch does! In the background the CERES NZ nibbler attacks the support structure fo...
From Colombo Street intersection.
Prior to the earthquakes the stone wall at right was near road level. Now it is about 1.5m (4-5ft) lower.
Being prepared for removal. Is in red zone so has to go.d The house had minimal damage, but the land it was on was deemed to be no good - red zoned.
The jetty in the South New Brighton Domain was rebuilt a few years ago. It was straight and level till the earthquakes. Has been closed for 2½ years now.
While the whole of the North Island is under drought conditions and parts of the South Island likely to follow suit, I doubt it will happen in Christchurch. With hundreds of earthquake road, water and sewer repairs underway many are spilling hundreds of litres of water per minute, like this one outside my house. It has been running like this fo...
Cunningham House at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens is still closed due to earthquake damage. I wonder if it will ever re-open or suffer the demolition fate many other iconic structures in Christchurch have.
With the land dropping about 1metre to 1.4metres after the earthquakes, a few roads besides the Avon and Heathcote Rivers are flooded with very high tides. Extra stop banks (on right) erected after the quakes have helped, but the road is now well below high water level. New Brighton Road, just short of New Brighton. The Pages Road bridge may b...
20120805_7441_1D3-600 Newstalk ZB building starting to go down 06 #2642
Helicopter Flight over Christchurch New Zealand