Now demolished.
Damaged Christchurch building (old Para Rubber building - see earlier photo from just after quake), partially demolished, after Sept 4th 2010 Christchurch earthquake. Has been sitting on 666 views for a while!
There was a risk of rocks falling off cliffs behind Redcliffs school following Sept 4th earthquake. A helicopter was used to wash off loose rocks to lower the risk to the school.
Shop at the base of Manchester Courts
Columbo St Sydenham. Would not have like to been in there!
soon to be demolished
In Colombo St, Sydenham
Christchurch Earthquake Aftermath PWS-2010-09-12-DSC02229
7.1 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.
7.1 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Christchurch Earthquake Aftermath PWS-2010-09-12-DSC02247
I used to get lunch at the cafe "Next Best" here. Glad the earthquake did not strike at lunch time!
Following Feb 22nd 2011 6.3 shake this building is no more.
Now a heap of rubble. It didn't stand up to the bigger aftershocks
2nd building in has been demolished and site cleared
It is hard to imagine the destruction which surrounds this area on such a beautiful clear calm sunny spring morning, It seems as if Christchuch has changed forever. I wonder how long it will take us to recover.
A view after the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch. Victoria Street. So sad to see history die - both buildings and business. Sign on the back wall says, "You gotta be there Christchurch" - sadly ironic! Given a bit of a HDR process to add some of what I was "feeling" at the time.