A photograph of a wooden frame covered by a tarpaulin on Worcester Street, near Latimer Square.
The damaged gable walls of the Cranmer Centre are protected by tarpaulins and wooden framing.
Damage to a house in Richmond. Bricks have fallen from the walls, exposing the wooden framing beneath.
A photograph of bricks and wooden framing piled up in between a house and fence in Christchurch.
A damaged building on Lichfield Street. The brick facade has fallen from the upper storeys, exposing the wooden framing beneath.
Cracks in the concrete foundation and wooden walls of a house on Avonside Drive. The photograph shows where the metal frame of the house's conservatory has come apart, and shards of glass from it can be seen on the footpath.
Damage to a house in Richmond. Part of the brick wall has slumped to one side, leaving a visible gap between the wall and a windowframe. Broken wooden framing can be seen in the gap. The photographer comments, "Cracking in the external brickwork".
Damage to a house in Richmond. Bricks have fallen from a wall, exposing the wooden framing beneath. The photographer comments, "The foundation and a section of the wall of the dining room have shifted and cracked. The dining room floor is very springy".
Damage to a house in Richmond. Bricks have fallen from the walls, exposing the wooden framing beneath. Power lines between the house and a power pole have been stretched taut. The photographer comments, "The house and power pole have moved, stretching power lines taut as a guitar string".
Damage to a house in Richmond. Bricks have fallen from the walls onto the driveway, and a large gap between the concrete foundation and the wooden framing shows how much the house has moved. The photographer comments, "The foundations and brick cladding moved, but the timber wall remained in position. The gap grew to over 400mm by the time the house was demolished.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Knox Church on the corner of Bealey Avenue and Victoria Street. The brick walls of the gables have collapsed, exposing the building's wooden frame and the inside of the building. Wire fences and emergency tape have been placed around the building as a cordon.