
found 105 results

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A van partially submerged in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "A van that unluckily drove into a hole caused by the terrible liquefaction on Beach Road, North New Brighton during the Christchurch earthquake".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of interviews with three residents about their Port Hills properties. The video was filmed the day after Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee announced the red-zoning of 285 Port Hills properties. The video includes an interview with Marine Kent (whose house was zoned white to green), Mark Tranter (whose house was zoned white to red), and Tony Ging (whose house is still white-zoned).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

People stand beside the cordon fence on the Worcester Street bridge. The photographer comments, "This was some of the many people waiting for the White Lights of Hope to be turned on, but when they were we hardly noticed. Sadly it was a big disappointment".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a black and white photograph belonging to University of Canterbury alumnus Colin Lau. Colin describes the photograph as follows: "A view from UCSA towards the (right side of our) Science Building. I am not sure what that target white building behind the lamp standard is. I still remember that little wooden bridge we walked across to the UCSA building & that meandering creek or stream that flows beneath it".