A video about the reopening of the trams in Christchurch after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The video includes an interview with tram driver Brian Erikson. Erikson talks about taking a job at a supermarket while the trams were closed, and the feeling he gets when he drives the trams. The video also includes an interview with Syleyman Sekman, whose son, Jubiter Ubukata Sekman, could not sleep because he was so excited to ride the trams again.
A photograph of the earthquake damage down New Regent Street. The tiles around the tram tracks have lifted all along the street.
A photograph of a large crack in the pavement of New Regent Street, near the tram tracks. Many of the pavement tiles have fallen into the crack.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Laying shingle to protect the tram lines in Cashel Mall (looking west)".
A photograph of cracks in the road on Armagh Street. The cracks are on both sides of the tram lines
The tram stop in Cathedral Square seen through a cordon fence.
A page banner promoting an article about the return of the trams.
A photograph of a crack running through New Regent Street. The crack is on one side of the tram line. Some of the tiles on the street have fallen into the crack.
A tram passes the Cranmer Centre, which has been cordoned off with security fencing.
A tram passes the Cranmer Centre, which has been cordoned off with security fencing.
A tram in front of the former Christchurch Girls' High building seen before the earthquakes.
A photograph of the 'End of the Line' performance artwork. One of the artists is pushing a trolley along the tram lines in Cashel Mall, while two others string 'red tape' in front of it.
A photograph of the 'End of the Line' performance artwork. One of the artists is pushing a trolley along the tram lines in Cashel Mall, while two others string 'red tape' in front of it.
A photograph of the 'End of the Line' performance artwork. One of the artists is pushing a trolley along the tram lines in Cashel Mall, while two others string 'red tape' in front of it.
A photograph of the 'End of the Line' performance artwork. One of the artists is pushing a trolley along the tram lines in Cashel Mall, while two others string 'red tape' in front of it.
A photograph looking west down Armagh Street towards the intersection with Colombo Street. In the background, a crane is parked on the road next to the Forsyth Barr Building. In the foreground, the pavement has risen near the tram tracks.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Lichfield Street looking west showing where the tram line installation had reached".
A tram car moving down New Regent Street. Behind it, scaffolding has been constructed on the facades of several buildings.
A photograph of street art on the side of the Manchester Street parking building, seen from Hereford Street. The artists are Chris Finlayson and Dean Blundell. The art work depicts a tram, a tank, a boat and other unusual vehicles parked in the parking building.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Lots of work going on in Cashel Mall including laying shingle to protect tram lines".
A view looking from Cathedral Square tram stop towards Oxford Terrace. The Clarendon Towers building has been damaged and the windows boarded up.
A photograph of street art on the side of the Manchester Street parking building, seen from Hereford Street. The artists are Chris Finlayson and Dean Blundell. The art work depicts a tram, an aeroplane, a helicopter, a boat and other unusual vehicles parked in the parking building.
The Crowne Plaza Hotel viewed from Victoria Square across the tram bridge. Wire fencing has been placed across the bridge to keep people off.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "New Regent Street (west side)".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "New Regent Street (west side)".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cathedral Junction, Gloucester Street entrance".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cashel Mall".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cathedral Junction, Worcester Street".
The roof of a tram stop resting on blocks on the lawn outside the Arts Centre. In front is a bust of Sir Miles Warren, a prominent Christchurch architect.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Cashel Mall".