
found 36 results

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A van partially submerged in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "A van that unluckily drove into a hole caused by the terrible liquefaction on Beach Road, North New Brighton during the Christchurch earthquake".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A van partially submerged in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "A van that unluckily drove into a hole caused by the terrible liquefaction on Beach Road, North New Brighton during the Christchurch earthquake".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A two-storey house in Avonside Drive with a warped upper balcony. The photographer comments, "This house is on Avonside Drive opposite the Avon River. The land in this area spread laterally and had bad liquefaction of the soil. This caused some houses to sink into the ground, but as the balcony supports did not sink as much the balcony came to rest at a crazy angle".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A wooden house in Wainoni has visibly bowed inwards towards its centre. The photographer comments, "During the numerous earthquakes in Christchurch the land which ran alongside the Avon river on Avonside Drive slumped towards the waterway. In a line parallel to the road the road, but around 20m away a ground movement occurred which caused some houses to rise up or sink down".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A damaged house in Avonside. The front of the house has sunk due to subsidence in the ground caused by liquefaction. Codes have been spray painted on the front window by the North Shore City Council rescue team.