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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shipping containers protect the road from rockfall in Sumner. On the cliffs above, damaged houses teeter on the edge of the cliff. One of the containers has been decorated with an artwork, and another has been spray-painted, "Sumner rocks".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Spray-painted writing on the side of a car parking building reads "0 cars". The photographer comments, "Strangely and appropriately this graffiti was on a car park. In fact the graffiti was 100% correct as the car park is in the Christchurch earthquake red zone and there should be zero cars now inside it. It may have been put on by an anti car protester or just an indication that the car park is empty. One of the suggestions for the City plan for the rebuilt Christchurch was for a pedestrian and cycle only area, which also fits in with 0 CARS".