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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Andreas Duenser, research scientist at the Human Interface Technology Laboratory, about an earthquake simulator at the University of Canterbury. The simulator was developed to help treat people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. It allows people to relive their earthquake experiences in a safe environment to help them overcome their ordeals.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

HITLab NZ's Andreas Dunser and UC clinical psychologists Dr Janet Carter, Dr Eileen Britt and Associate Professor Martin Dorahy, who are creating an earthquake simulator at the University of Canterbury to investigate ways to help Cantabrians overcome post-traumatic stress disorders caused by ongoing seismic activity.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

HITLab NZ's Andreas Dunser and UC clinical psychologists Dr Janet Carter, Dr Eileen Britt and Associate Professor Martin Dorahy, who are creating an earthquake simulator at the University of Canterbury to investigate ways to help Cantabrians overcome post-traumatic stress disorders caused by ongoing seismic activity.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a tour of the new central Christchurch police station. The video includes interviews with Riwai Grace, Fire Communications Shift Manager at the New Zealand Fire Service, and Superintendent Gary Knowles, Canterbury Area Commander for the New Zealand Police. Knowles gives The Press a tour of the new training area, cafeteria, courtyard, firearm simulator room, prosecution area, interview rooms, and cell blocks.