
found 23 results

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A report created by the University of Canterbury Quake Centre and the University of Auckland, funded by the Building Research Levy. It shows how an innovation process was initiated and managed throughout the rebuilding of the horizontal infrastructure after the Canterbury earthquakes.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A plan which outlines how timely and accurate information relating to estimating, actual project costs, future commitments and total forecast cost will be managed and reported for each project phase in the programme. The first version of this plan was produced on 24 June 2011.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Ross Butler, Chair of Otakaro Limited, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Anchors Aweigh".The abstract for the presentation reads, "A review and preview of the development of the city's anchor projects once the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority is disbanded in April."

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Dr Sarah Beaven during the Social Recovery Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Leading and Coordinating Social Recovery: Lessons from a central recovery agency".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: This presentation provides an overview of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's Social Recovery Lessons and Legacy project. This project was commissioned in 2014 and completed in December 2015. It had three main aims: to capture Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's role in social recovery after the Canterbury earthquakes, to identify lessons learned, and to disseminate these lessons to future recovery practitioners. The project scope spanned four Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority work programmes: The Residential Red Zone, the Social and Cultural Outcomes, the Housing Programme, and the Community Resilience Programme. Participants included both Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority employees, people from within a range of regional and national agencies, and community and public sector organisations who worked with Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority over time. The presentation will outline the origin and design of the project, and present some key findings.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Jane Morgan and Annabel Begg during the Social Recovery Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Monitoring Social Recovery in Greater Christchurch".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: This presentation provides an overview of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's Social Recovery Lessons and Legacy project. This project was commissioned in 2014 and completed in December 2015. It had three main aims: to capture Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's role in social recovery after the Canterbury earthquakes, to identify lessons learned, and to disseminate these lessons to future recovery practitioners. The project scope spanned four Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority work programmes: The Residential Red Zone, the Social and Cultural Outcomes, the Housing Programme, and the Community Resilience Programme. Participants included both Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority employees, people from within a range of regional and national agencies, and community and public sector organisations who worked with Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority over time. The presentation will outline the origin and design of the project, and present some key findings.

Audio, UC QuakeStudies

A recorded conversation about the arts in Christchurch, facilitated by Rosalee Jenkin (UC CEISMIC) and featuring Sophie Davis (UC Masters student and co-director of North Projects), Lara Strongman (Senior Curator at Christchurch Art Gallery), Gaby Montejo (visual art practitioner and teacher) and Wongi Wilson (street artist and professional graffiti artist). The podcast is the first in a series of conversations hosted by UC CEISMIC about Christchurch, five years on from the February 22 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph from the All Right? Start With a Smile campaign. Start With A Smile was led by Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce and supported by All Right?. The project encouraged Cantabrians to engage with the thousands of migrants who have moved to Canterbury since the earthquakes.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph from the All Right? Start with A Smile campaign. Start with A Smile was led by Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce and supported by All Right?. The project encouraged Cantabrians to engage with the thousands of migrants who have moved to Canterbury since the earthquakes.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph from the All Right? Start with A Smile campaign. Start with A Smile was led by Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce and supported by All Right?. The project encouraged Cantabrians to engage with the thousands of migrants who have moved to Canterbury since the earthquakes.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph from the All Right? Start with A Smile campaign. Start with A Smile was led by Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce and supported by All Right?. The project encouraged Cantabrians to engage with the thousands of migrants who have moved to Canterbury since the earthquakes.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Grant Wilkinson, Senior Engineer for Ruamoko Solutions, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Engineering Regeneration, Collaboration and Innovation ".The abstract for the presentation reads, "Applying some seismic lessons learnt to saving several heritage gems and collaborating on the Christchurch Art Gallery Base Isolation retrofit project."

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Hugh Cowan, General Manager of Reinsurance, Research and Education at EQC, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Working Together Strengthens Understanding".The abstract for the presentation reads, "Hear how EQC led a collaborative research project in Canterbury that involved diverse stakeholders from government, council officials and insurers to homeowners, and why collaboration means that Canterbury's geotechnical data is now helping to inform research locally, nationally and around the world."

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a keynote presentation by Dr Laurie Johnson, Project Scientist at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "The Trajectory of Post-disaster Recovery and Regeneration: Learning from other cities".The abstract for the presentation reads, "What does regeneration look like and how long does it take? A look at what we can learn about regeneration from other cities that have experienced disasters. An exploration of the innovation needed to fulfil the recovery vision, as well as the value of collaboration in the next five years."

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Haydn Read, Programme Director of Smart City Coalition, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Smart City/Choice City".The abstract for the presentation reads, "'We want to get to the point where people can get amazing information in real-time that helps them make choices about where to swim or what road to take' (Vicki Buck, Deputy Mayor of Christchurch). Real time information and feedback via the Internet of Things. The CCC is now part of Land Information New Zealand's (LINZ) Smart City coalition which aims to test the value of smart city concepts through a series of projects in Christchurch, Auckland, and Wellington."Note that due to technical issues, the final part of this presentation was not recorded.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Jane Murray and Stephen Timms during the Social Recovery Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Land Use Recovery Plan: How an impact assessment process engaged communities in recovery planning".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: In response to the Canterbury earthquakes, the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery directed Environment Canterbury (Canterbury's regional council) to prepare a Land Use Recovery Plan that would provide a spatial planning framework for Greater Christchurch and aid recovery from the Canterbury earthquakes. The Land Use Recovery Plan sets a policy and planning framework necessary to rebuild existing communities and develop new communities. As part of preparing the plan, an integrated assessment was undertaken to address wellbeing and sustainability concerns. This ensured that social impacts of the plan were likely to achieve better outcomes for communities. The process enabled a wide range of community and sector stakeholders to provide input at the very early stages of drafting the document. The integrated assessment considered the treatment of major land use issues in the plan, e.g. overall distribution of activities across the city, integrated transport routes, housing typography, social housing, employment and urban design, all of which have a key impact on health and wellbeing. Representatives from the Canterbury Health in All Policies Partnership were involved in designing a three-part assessment process that would provide a framework for the Land Use Recovery Plan writers to assess and improve the plan in terms of wellbeing and sustainability concerns. The detail of these assessment stages, and the influence that they had on the draft plan, will be outlined in the presentation. In summary, the three stages involved: developing key wellbeing and sustainability concerns that could form a set of criteria, analysing the preliminary draft of the Land Use Recovery Plan against the criteria in a broad sector workshop, and analysing the content and recommendations of the Draft Plan. This demonstrates the importance of integrated assessment influencing the Land Use Recovery Plan that in turn influences other key planning documents such as the District Plan. This process enabled a very complex document with wide-ranging implications to be broken down, enabling many groups, individuals and organisations to have their say in the recovery process. There is also a range of important lessons for recovery that can be applied to other projects and actions in a disaster recovery situation.