A photograph of a colourful crocheted cover for a shipping container. It has a variety of patterns including a heart, a four leaf clover and some flowers.
A photograph of a colourful crocheted cover for a shipping container. It has various patterns such as a black swan, two hearts and vibrant colors.
A photograph of a colorful crocheted cover for a shipping container. It has various patterns including a black swan, a four leaf clover, the New Zealand flag, some heart patterns, a white house, a pair of pears, a variety of flowers, and the words "Joe & Nat", "Mt Pleasant", and "love from Tauranga".
A photograph of a colourful wall of bricks. There is damage on the right hand side. In front of it is a pattern made from fallen bricks.
A scanned copy of a photograph of an optical diffraction pattern produced by the He-Ne Continuous Gas Laser used in David Lockwood's MSc research at the University of Canterbury. David explains that the photograph shows "a typical optical diffraction pattern obtained from the original red laser beam arising from a grating structure formed by the alignment of a colloid under the influence of a travelling sound wave".
A map showing the voting pattern for the Christchurch Central electorate.
A map showing patterns of liquefaction in Mark Quigley's red-zoned Avonside property.
A photograph of coloured patterns on a wire fence in near Cathedral Square.
A photograph of coloured patterns on a wire fence in near Cathedral Square.
A photograph of Crack'd for Christchurch's partially-completed mosaic on their armchair artwork.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "We had many interesting discussion about the 'opus' (the background cream colour surrounding our pattern). Should it flow like the pattern, or be a geometric grid as these lines drawn on the chair indicate?."
Graphs showing changes in voting patterns in the local body elections as a result of the 4 September earthquake.
A colourful mural and patterns on the road brighten up an empty space on Oxford Terrace near the Re:Start mall.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This used to be someone's garden on Kirsten Place in New Brighton. Liquefaction creates interesting patterns".
A wall exposed by the removal of a damaged building has been decorated by Gap Filler with a knitting-like pattern.
A photograph of a colourful crocheted cover for a shipping container. It has various patterns including a heart and a group of red flowers.
A wall exposed by the removal of a damaged building has been decorated by Gap Filler with a knitting-like pattern. The adjoining wall has been graffitied.
A photograph of a colourful crochetted cover for a shipping container. It has various patterns such as a yellow flower and the words "Joe & Nat".
The half-completed "Knit Happens" mural on the exposed brick wall of a building. The mural has been designed to look like a knitted pattern.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Looking east along Hereford Street through the CBD with the Botanic Gardens at the bottom. The grid pattern shows very clearly".
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A concrete-block wall from a building on the corner of Colombo and Gloucester Streets which has fallen in an interesting pattern during demolition".
A photograph of a damaged colourful brick wall at New Brighton mall. There are bricks in front of it spread in a pattern, as well as a coiled up power cable.
The project report for Knit Happens, part of Gap Filler project 20, Walls. Knit Happens was a mural with a pattern reminiscent of a jersey. It was painted on the exposed wall of a brick building on Madras Street.
A photograph of a colourful wall of bricks. There is damage on the right hand side of the wall. There is also a pattern made from fallen bricks in front of it.
A photograph of a colourful crocheted cover for a shipping container. It has a variety of patterns including a black swan, a red flower, and a heart with "hope" written in it.
A photograph of a colourful brick wall and a spiral pattern on the ground at New Brighton Mall. There is also a red and black rug rolled up and laid down on the ground.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Damaged pavement in the alley between the Salvation Army Citadel and the Crowne Plaza on Durham Street. The paving tiles have separated in a pattern reminiscent of a zip".
A photograph of a colourful corrugate iron roof, located on the corner of Barbadoes Street and Worcester Street. Two iron green butterflies sit atop the roof, while a string of butterfly patterned flags hang from the gutter rails.
A photograph of a colourful crocheted cover for a shipping container. It has various patterns including a heart, a variety of flowers, and the words "Joe & Nat", "Mt Pleasant", and "love from Tauranga". A Nissan Caravan is parked next to the container.
A photograph of pieces of broken china laid out in a pattern across a courtyard. A member of Crack'd for Christchurch is kneeling next to the china.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "December 2011. Jenny Cooper. China spread out for a publicity shot."
A photograph of boxes and buckets of broken china stacked in a room. Labels on the storage containers indicate that the china has been organised by colour, pattern, and texture.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "The results of a lot of hard work. Sorted and boxed china nearly a year after beginning."