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Images, UC QuakeStudies

The Citizens' Memorial statue beside the cathedral, with bracing around the neck and waist of the angel to prevent further damage. Taken on a day when a walkway was opened up between Re:Start Mall and Cathedral Square to allow temporary public access.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a statue lying on planks of wood outside the Canterbury Museum. The statue fell during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, and the head broke off. A message on the exposed neck reads, "My head is at Christ College".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the Citizens' War Memorial in Cathedral Square. Bracing has been placed around the neck and waist of the angel. In the background, the roof of the Cathedral Visitors' Centre and part of the ChristChurch Cathedral can be seen.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the Citizens' War Memorial in Cathedral Square. Bracing has been placed around the neck and waist of the angel. In the background, the roof of the Cathedral Visitors' Centre and part of the ChristChurch Cathedral can be seen.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the north side of the ChristChurch Cathedral with the Citizen's Memorial to the left. The roof of the cathedral has been damaged, and many of the doors and windows boarded up. On the memorial, the angel's waist and neck have been braced to keep her standing.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the Citizen's Memorial outside the ChristChurch Cathedral on Cathedral Square. The angel in the memorial has bracing around her neck and waist to keep her upright. Behind the memorial, damage to the roof of the Cathedral can be seen. Wire fencing has been placed around the entire building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Christchurch City Councillor Glenn Livingstone giving a speech. He is wearing a flower lei around his neck. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a preschool child in a colourful costume placing a flower lei over the head of Anna Mowat from SKIP (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents - a project of the Ministry of Social Development). Christchurch City Councillor Glenn Livingstone is sitting next to Anna Mowat, wearing a flower lei around his neck. The photograph was taken at the Tiny Adventures launch at Niu Early Learning Centre in Linwood. Niu Early Learning Centre is managed by the Tongan Canterbury Community Trust. The Tiny Adventure card packs and smartphone app offer ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children. They are a project of the All Right? mental health campaign.