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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a helicopter using a monsoon bucket to wash loose debris off a cliff in Redcliffs. The debris is from an earthquake-damaged building on the edge of the cliff which has had to be urgently demolished after wet weather and aftershocks made it unstable. The video also includes an interview with Brenden Winder, Red Zone Cordon and Access Manager at CERA, about the removal of the debris and the need to check other properties.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A view down Gloucester Street in the aftermath of the February 2011 earthquake, showing damage to Wave House (formerly the Trade Union building). In the sky above a helicopter can be seen carrying a monsoon bucket that was used to put out flames in the Canterbury Television building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Earthquake victims wrapped in blankets at the medical centre set up in Latimer Square. A tent in the background has been set up for shelter, and stretchers and medical supplies are stacked up beside it. Avove, a helicopter can be seen carrying a monsoon bucket filled with water to put out fire at the Canterbury Television building.