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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a member of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team climbing a ladder up the back of a house on Gloucester Street. The ladder has been placed against the house so that the ERT members can enter the building through the open window. To the right a section of the house next door has collapsed and the bricks have spilled onto the shed below.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a room in the Diabetes Centre which has been wrapped in plastic. There is a step ladder in the background and several work tools on the covered furniture. Several tiles are missing from the ceiling above.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the rubble from the Observatory tower in the South Quad of the Christchurch Arts Centre. The tower collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. A digger was used to clear the rubble away from the building. Scaffolding constructed around the tower has also collapsed and is amongst the rubble. The roof of the tower and a ladder can also be seen.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the New Zealand Wizard delivering a speech on a ladder outside the Canterbury Museum. Around him members of the public are holding up petitions with pictures of the ChristChurch Cathedral and messages such as, "Vandalism is a crime. Stop".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to the Westende Jewellers building. The upper storey facade has collapsed, and rubble covers the road. The area has been cordoned off with road cones and police tape, and fire service personnel are inspecting the damage from the basket of a fire engine's ladder.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to the Westende Jewellers building. The upper storey facade has collapsed, and rubble covers the road. The area has been cordoned off with road cones and police tape, and fire service personnel are inspecting the damage from the basket of a fire engine's ladder.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the high diving boards at QEII swimming pool. Rubble has fallen on the boards during the demolition of the complex. A sign reads "Poseidon Extreme". The photographer comments, "I do not know what Poseidon Extreme at this swimming pool looked like before the earthquake damaged it, but it looks really radical now during it's demolition. A strange coincidence is that Poseidon is referred to as 'Earth-Shaker' due to his role in causing earthquakes. So the demolition of this pool due to the series of quakes in Christchurch all seems to be foretold by the gods and that sign".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

People stand in front of a damaged house in New Brighton. The upper storey at the front of the house has collapsed onto the floor below. The photographer comments, "This house at 158 Marine Parade, New Brighton, Christchurch was owned by the man leaning on the fence. He lived next door and his daughter lived here. During the earthquake the 2nd storey stayed mainly whole, but the 1st collapsed. Luckily the daughter was in the top storey. She was rescued from the building by neighbours, by climbing out of the window and down a ladder. Another piece of luck is that most of the belongings were stored in boxes in the garage at the front. Though the garage also collapsed the boxes appear intact. The owner had tried to sell it previously without success".