An image of a frying pan, which reads, "Find your hidden strengths." The image promotes the All Right? Hidden Strengths project, which encouraged people to take and share a VIA personality survey. The frying pan represents the strength of kindness.
A photograph of a frying pan that was used as a banner. Inside the pan, alphabet pasta is arranged to read, "Find your hidden strengths".
An image of a frying pan, which reads, "Find your hidden strengths. Take the free quiz." The image promotes the All Right? Hidden Strengths project, which encouraged people to take and share a VIA personality survey. The frying pan represents the strength of kindness. All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page as a cover photo on 1 June 2016 at 6:54am.
A photograph of a frying pan that was used to create posters and Facebook images for Hidden Strengths. Inside the pan, alphabet pasta is arranged to read, "Find your hidden strengths".
A PDF copy of a poster promoting Hidden Strengths quiz. The poster includes a photograph of a frying pan with alphabet pasta inside it. The letters spell out "Find your hidden strengths".
A photograph of street art on the side of the A1 Small Goods building located between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street.
A photograph of street art on the side of the A1 Small Goods building located between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street.
A photograph of street art on the side of the A1 Small Goods building located between Brighton Mall and Hawke Street.