A photograph of a group of people plaiting fabric strips to create artworks for the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition.
A photograph of the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition. On the left is a crocheted image of an eye, created by a group of women from Adelaide, and on the right are woven fabric artworks created by Christchurch craft artists in response.
A photograph of people examining the artworks at the opening of the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition.
A photograph of people examining the artworks at the opening of the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition.
A photograph of the outside of the building housing the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition. Posters in the window advertise the exhibition.
A photograph of some of the craft artists who were involved in creating the As Far As Eye Can See exhibition.
A PDF copy of pages 170-171 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'As Far As Eye Can See'. Photos: Gap Filler