A document illustrating elements of door to door contact, which is an initiative to help communities affected by nearby disruptive SCIRT works to understand what is happening.
Colour photograph of a boarded-up door to the Copthorne Hotel and obvious damage to the strucuture. The red sticker is visible.
A photograph of the door of Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church in Merivale. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the door.
Colour photograph of front door to the Occidental Hotel, which after the September quake had suffered vandalism. The name "B. Perry" was still above the door.
A badly damaged building on Lichfield Street. The door and window frames have sheared to one side, and beyond the glass doors a missing wall can be seen.
Internal damage to a house in Richmond. A doorframe has visibly warped, leaving a gap between the frame and the door. Outside, cracks can be seen in the concrete patio. The photographer comments, "Sunroom - bifold doors are now separated from the frame. The doors on the left blew right out in a strong wind 2 weeks after the quake".
An interior door exposed by the demolition of Henry Africa's. The photographer comments, "A building housing a restaurant and a great little neighbourhood bar is finally coming down because of earthquake damage. Demolition door".
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 1. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 6, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 6. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 3. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 7. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 11. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 12. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 9. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 7, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 9, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 1, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 3, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 12, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 11, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of the front door of a store in the former Canterbury Times Building on Gloucester Street. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the front door.
A photograph of USAR codes spra-painted on the front doors of Dick Smith on Manchester Street. A yellow sticker on the door indicates that access to the building is restricted.
The door of Knox Presbyterian Church on Bealey Avenue. A red sticker has been taped to the door, indicating that the building is unsafe to enter. USAR codes have also been spray painted below.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 344. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 10. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A thumbnail photograph of Whole House Reuse item 407, cropped for the catalogue. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 4. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 2. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 15. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.