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Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a CERA press conference about the plans for the Christchurch central city. Warwick Isaacs, Chief Executive of the Central Christchurch Development Unit, announces that Boffa Miskell will be the lead company in a consortium of businesses that will design the central Christchurch rebuild. Don Miskell, Director of Boffa Miskell, talks about the company and their excitement about the job.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an address by Peter Davie, Chief Executive of Lyttelton Port Company, at the 2012 Seismics and the City forum. The talk is about how, in today's technological and economic environment, the ability to prevent, prepare for, or quickly recover from a disaster is a critical success factor. The seismic simulations that the Port of Lyttelton ran as part of its long term development plan became a key part of the Port's emergency response, and meant that cargo kept flowing with minimal downtime.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Wendy Rushworth, whose house was fenced off despite not being scheduled for demolition. Falcon Construction accidently added Rushworth's property to a list of homes ready for demolition. The company has since apologised to Rushworth and removed the fencing.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with David Stanley, Director of Canterbury Biltong, about the company's experiences after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. This video is part of The Press's 'Up and Running' series, showcasing businesses which have stayed up and running despite the challenges posed by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Dave Jessep, Director of DJCA, about the company's experiences after the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. This video is part of The Press's 'Up and Running' series which showcases businesses which stayed up and running despite the challenges posed by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Deb Riach, co-owner of Coffee Worx, about the company's experiences after the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes. This video is part of The Press's 'Up and Running' series, which showcases businesses which stayed up and running despite the challenges posed by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Martin Bell, Managing Partner at Corcoran French, about the company's experiences after the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. This video is part of The Press's 'Up and Running' series which showcases businesses which stayed up and running despite the challenges posed by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Murray Gorton, Group General Manager at Archibald Motors, about the company's experiences after the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. This video is part of The Press's 'Up and Running' series, showcasing businesses which have stayed up and running despite the challenges posed by the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Close up of an oven element which has blown and partly melted. The photographer comments, "After the Christchurch earthquake on the 22 February we had no power for about 4 days. We finally got electricity again from the electricity companies' mobile generator the size of a big van. We turned on the oven and there was a loud vibrating hum and this was the result".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Bill Robinson from Nikau Demolition Ltd talking about the demolition equipment the company is using in the Christchurch central city Red Zone. Robinson explains the need to check the welds of the crane arms each day, and the need for larger jaws on some demolition projects. He also explains the crane controls.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Workers operate a drilling rig inside a Terra Probe truck, which has been raised on jacks to make it stable. The photographer comments, "Another completely different company testing what is below the surface to determine what type of foundations new houses will need. This is in one the blue/green area of earthquake shaken Christchurch. Strangely this is 3 metres away from where the other testing was done".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of furniture and machinery. The photographer comments, "This furniture restoration company got caught in the middle of the Christchurch earthquake and lost a whole wall. After constant exposure to the elements everything now needs a bit of restoration. They are now working in a different part of Christchurch, but their past can still be seen".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of liquefaction around a house in Avondale. The photographer comments, "The bottom of the gates were swallowed up by liquefaction, but the house still looked in good condition, which was confirmed by builders just going in to work on the property. It is in the Christchurch red zone, which after testing has been deemed unsuitable for houses to be built on. All the land will be bought by the Government and they would also buy any properties that could be repaired. The remaining insured property owners will get a payment from the insurance company. All the buildings are condemned to be knocked down".