A barista in front of the Buzz Coffee mobile coffee vender.
A barista in front of the Buzz Coffee mobile coffee vender.
People chatting in front of the Buzz Coffee mobile coffee vender at Gap Filler's first project at 832 Colombo Street.
A woman drinking a coffee outside the Buzz Coffee mobile coffee vender at Gap Filler's cycle-powered cinema.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Sam Crofskey of C1 Coffee standing in the ground floor space of the Alice in Videoland that he is fitting out for his coffee roastery and cafe".
A PDF copy of a coffee voucher in collaboration with Underground Coffee and BNZ. The vouchers were given away as part of Outrageous Burst: Flower Bombing. On the front the voucher reads, "When did you last really catch up? Enjoy a 2-for-1 coffee this September." On the back the voucher reads, "Quality time with good friends can be the best medicine. To get a free Underground coffee, bring this voucher and a friend into one of the following locations: JB's Cafe in Ballantynes; Perry's Cafe on Madras St; Underground Coffee in Sydenham. Join the conversation: facebook.com/allrightnz".
A PDF copy of a coffee voucher in collaboration with Underground Coffee and BNZ. The vouchers were given away as part of Outrageous Burst: Flower Bombing. On the front the voucher reads, "When did you last really catch up? Enjoy a 2-for-1 coffee this September." On the back the voucher reads, "Quality time with good friends can be the best medicine. To get a free Underground coffee, bring this voucher and a friend into one of the following locations: JB's Cafe in Ballantynes; Perry's Cafe on Madras St; Underground Coffee in Sydenham. Join the conversation: facebook.com/allrightnz".
A man making coffee in the Buzz Coffe mobife coffee vender, at Gap Filler's cycle-powered cinema.
People socialising at Gap Filler's first project at 832 Colombo Street. A mobile coffee vender can be seen as well as a garden seat.
The site of Gap Filler's first project at 832 Colombo Street. A mobile coffee vender can be seen as well as a garden made out of pot plants and lots of seating.
A demon mask hangs from a brick chimney in New Brighton. Some of the bricks at the base of the chimney appear to have moved. The photographer comments, "Since the September earthquake brick chimneys have been tumbling down. I do not know if this was put up to ward off shaking of the chimney during earthquakes, but it seems to be working. This chimney has now been taken down at the end of March 2012 and replaced with a simple metal flue".
A mock advertising sign reads "Coffee! Is the planet shaking or is it just me?".
A temporary Hummingbird Coffee stall on Worcester Boulevard.
The "Coffee" sign on the Colombo Street footpath outside the Coffee Zone kiosk in Sydenham.
Two cardboard coffee cups in a takeaway tray sit on a wooden counter. The photographer comments, "What is the story of these coffees and that sad muffin? Were these an order when the earthquake struck Christchurch on 22 February 2011? Were these a workman's and a colleague's having a quick coffee break when a later aftershock caused them to leave everything behind when they fled the red zoned building, or were they just forgotten when the building was cleared out and abandoned?".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The Coffee Club, Victoria Street".
The Lyttelton Coffee Company building on London Street in Lyttelton is weatherproofed with black tarpaulins. The spray-painted signs guide customers to Samo Coffee Lounge, a cafe run by the staff of Lyttelton Coffee Company while the building is being repaired.
The ivy-covered facade of the Coffee House on Montreal Street which has partially fallen away.
The Coffee Zone garden beside the Coffee kiosk on Colombo Street. The garden was a project supported by Greening the Rubble.
A sign for Gravity Coffee on Victoria Street reading, "Don't fall for anything else".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Temporary coffee shop in Montreal Street".
A photograph of Jayne White delivering coffees to the Crack'd for Christchurch team. The team are working on their armchair artwork in a garage. In the background, mosaic flowers have been laid on the ground. A table with tea and coffee is sitting to the right.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Procope Coffee House on Victoria Street, under repair from earthquake damage".
People enjoying coffee outside the temporary location of the CIRA Coffee & Wares Café set up after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
Damage to the Dolls House night club and the Coffee Queen cafe on Gloucester Street, beside Chancery Lane.
A view across London Street in Lyttelton showing damage to the Four Square supermarket and Lyttelton Coffee Company buildings. The Four Square's windows have been boarded up with plywood. and cracks are visible in the masonry of the Lyttelton Coffee Company building. Steel rods have been installed to support its sagging awning.
The Southern Espresso Rescue coffee van, which sold coffees to the audience at Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap!" project in Beckenham.
A photograph of a garden area and coffee kiosk on Colombo Street.
A photograph of a garden area and coffee kiosk on Colombo Street.
Damage to the Dolls House night club and the Coffee Queen cafe on Gloucester Street, beside Chancery Lane.