A video montage of Canterbury Tales, a carnivalesque procession through the central city, led by Free Theatre Christchurch. The film depicts the construction and set up, through to the main public events. It also includes interviews with Peter Faulkenberg (Canterbury Tales and Free Theatre Christchurch Artistic Director) and George Parker (Canterbury Tales and Free Theatre Christchurch Producer).
A photograph of the Canterbury Cultural Recovery Centre's main floor. Signs indicate shelves containing collections from the Lyttelton Museum, Order of St John and the Canterbury Rugby Football Union.
A blog post from Moya Sherriff about her eighth month as Intern for the Canterbury Cultural Collections Recovery Centre (CCCRC). In this post Sherriff interviews staff of the Kaiapoi Museum about losing their museum building following the Canterbury earthquakes, and moving their collections into the Canterbury Cultural Collections Recovery Centre. This blog post was downloaded on 18 November 2014.
A photograph of the Canterbury Cultural Recovery Centre's main floor.
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, scratching his head as he looks at the damaged clock drive of the Townsend Telescope. The telescope was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, when the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre collapsed. Kershaw has been given the task of restoring the telescope.
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, sitting among the damaged parts of the Townsend Telescope. The telescope was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, when the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre collapsed. Kershaw has been given the task of restoring the telescope. In this photograph he is holding the telescope's clock drive. In the foreground there is a plaque reading, "The equatorial telescope and accessories in this observatory were presented to Canterbury College by James Townsend Esq. 1891. A large contribution towards the erection of the tower was made by the Canterbury Astronomical Society".
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, sitting among the damaged parts of the Townsend Telescope. The telescope was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, when the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre collapsed. Kershaw has been given the task of restoring the telescope. In this photograph he is holding the telescope's clock drive. In the foreground there is a plaque reading, "The equatorial telescope and accessories in this observatory were presented to Canterbury College by James Townsend Esq. 1891. A large contribution towards the erection of the tower was made by the Canterbury Astronomical Society".
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, sitting among the damaged parts of the Townsend Telescope. The telescope was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, when the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre collapsed. Kershaw has been given the task of restoring the telescope. In this photograph he is holding the telescope's clock drive.
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, sitting among the damaged parts of the Townsend Telescope. The telescope was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, when the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre collapsed. Kershaw has been given the task of restoring the telescope. In this photograph he is holding the telescope's clock drive.
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, looking through the lens of the Townsend Telescope. The lens is the most crucial component of the telescope. It was found unscratched and unbroken in the rubble of the Observatory tower, after 22 February 2011 earthquake. This means that the telescope can be restored. Other parts of the earthquake-damaged telescope are in the background of the photograph.
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, looking through the lens of the Townsend Telescope. The lens is the most crucial component of the telescope. It was found unscratched and unbroken in the rubble of the Observatory tower, after 22 February 2011 earthquake. This means that the telescope can be restored. Other parts of the earthquake-damaged telescope are in the background of the photograph.
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, sitting among the damaged parts of the Townsend Telescope. The telescope was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, when the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre collapsed. Kershaw has been given the task of restoring the telescope. In this photograph he is holding the telescope's clock drive.
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, looking through the lens of the Townsend Telescope. The lens is the most crucial component of the telescope. It was found unscratched and unbroken in the rubble of the Observatory tower, after 22 February 2011 earthquake. This means that the telescope can be restored.
A photograph of Graeme Kershaw, Technician at the University of Canterbury Department of Physics and Astronomy, sitting among the damaged parts of the Townsend Telescope. The telescope was damaged during the 22 February 2011 earthquake, when the Observatory tower at the Christchurch Arts Centre collapsed. Kershaw has been given the task of restoring the telescope. In this photograph he is holding the telescope's clock drive.
A photograph of furniture stored at the Canterbury Cultural Recovery Centre.
A photograph of furniture stored at the Canterbury Cultural Recovery Centre.
A panoramic photograph of the Canterbury Cultural Recovery Centre's main floor.
A video of an address by Tom Hooper, CEO of Canterbury Development Corporation, at the 2014 Seismics and the City forum. This talk was part of the Building Confidence section.
A photograph of guerrilla knitting on a cabbage tree outside the Canterbury Museum.
Oral history interview with Alice Ridley about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
A photograph of shelving used to store collections in the Canterbury Cultural Recovery Centre.
Summary of oral history interview with Krystal about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Summary of oral history interview with Michelle about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Summary of oral history interview with Emily about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Summary of oral history interview with Ella about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
A photograph of mannequins stacked in the storage shelves at the Canterbury Cultural Recovery Centre.
Summary of oral history interview with Alice Ridley about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
Summary of oral history interview with June Tiopira about her experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes.
A photograph of material from the Lyttelton Museum being stored at the Canterbury Cultural Recovery Centre.
A photograph of a stuffed tortoise that is being stored at the Canterbury Cultural Recovery Centre.