Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Hotel British, Norwich Quay".
The British Hotel on the corner of Oxford and Norwich Quay in Lyttelton.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Lyttelton Times and British Hotel".
A page banner promoting an article about the import of British marmite.
An earthquake memories story from Richard Clinghan, Resident Medical Officer, titled, "Earthquakes not enough to put off British doctors".
The British Hotel on the corner of Oxford Street and Norwich Quay. The top of the building has crumbled into the street below and wire fencing has been placed around it as a cordon.
A photograph of the damaged British Hotel. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Norwich Quay in Lyttelton".
Damage to the British Hotel on Oxford Street. The top of the building has crumbled bringing the roof down with it. Bricks lay along the footpath where they landed. Wire fencing has used to create a cordon around the building.
Damage to the British Hotel on Oxford Street. The top of the building has crumbled bringing the roof down with it. Bricks lay along the footpath where they landed. Wire fencing has been used to create a cordon around the building.
The west side of the British Hotel on Oxford Street. The brick wall at the top of the building has crumbled onto the street below, bringing part of the roof down with it. Wire fencing has been used to create a cordon around the building.
A scanned copy of the cover page of an issue of Canta published on Thursday 14 August 1952. The cover features an article on economic problems in Great Britain.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The British UK Fire Service International Rescue Team led by Pete Crook (centreframe) arrives at Christchurch International Airport. Pictures to accompany story by reporter Blair Ensor. Christchurch Earthquake aftermath - day four."
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "An old advertisments which was revealed on a building on Lichfield Street when its neighbour was demolished. The advertisement reads 'New Zealand Candle Co Ltd.' and then adds 'Five Medal, British Sperm', which are brands of candle".
A video of the keynote-presentation by Dr Jeanne LeBlanc, Registered Psychologist, during the second plenary of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. LeBlanc is a Registered Psychologist, specialising in Clinical Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation. She is the British Columbia Psychological Association (BCPA) Representative for the American Psychological Associate State, Territorial and Provincial Disaster Response Network, and has also been appointed as the Behavioural Health Liaison to the American Board of Disaster Medicine. The presentation is titled, "Machetes and Breadfruit: Medical disaster response challenges in unstable settings".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: The January 2010 earthquake in Haiti resulted in a massive response to a setting which was already fraught with danger, causing a number of personal, logistical, and safety challenges to responding medical teams. This presentation will provide a first-person account of this experience from the perspective of a behavioural health professional, whose responsibility was both the overall emotional wellbeing of the medical responders, as well as those impacted by the quake. Unique 'lessons learned' by these response teams will be highlighted, and recommendations will be provided for responders considering deploying to future events in highly unstable areas.