A photograph of Aroha Reriti-Crofts (Aunty Aroha) taken at the Health Day at the Pa event held at Tuahiwi Marae in August 2015. The event was part of the All Right? mental health campaign of the CDHB.
An image used as a cover photo on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "Your aroha really helps".
A photograph of street art on the side of the Couplands Bakery on Hawke Street in New Brighton. The artwork includes kowhai blossoms and the word "Aroha".
An image used as a profile picture on the All Right? Facebook page. The image reads, "What makes you feel all right? Sharing a little aroha!".
A photograph of street art on the side of the Couplands Bakery on Hawke Street in New Brighton. The artwork includes the tag "Aroha" and a painting of a man and a young child playing in the water.
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "What makes you feel all right? Sharing a little aroha!
A PDF copy of four hospital window hoarding designs. The images read, "Welcome to the Princess Margaret Hospital," "Your aroha really helps," "Reception straight ahead," and "When did you last share kai with the whanau?".
An image designed for use as a sticker for the All Right? Winter Survival Kit. The image reads, "Get your free Winter Survival Kit today! What makes you feel All Right in Winter? Sharing a little aroha!
An image from the All Right? 'Compliments' campaign, for the CDHB website. The image reads, "Your aroha really helps. Let's remember it's often the simple things that bring the most joy." The image also includes the web address of the All Right? Facebook page.
A PDF copy of a billboard design from the All Right? 'Compliments' campaign. The billboard reads, "Your aroha really helps. Let's remember it's often the simple things that bring the most joy." The design also includes the web address of the All Right? Facebook page.
A PDF copy of an advertisement for the All Right? 'Compliments' campaign that appeared in The Christchurch Star on 5 December 2013. The advertisement reads, "Your aroha really helps. Canterbury's been through a lot. Let's remember it's often the simple things that bring the most joy." The advertisement also includes the web address of the All Right? Facebook page.
A PDF copy of a small advertisement from the All Right? 'Compliments' campaign that appeared in The Press on 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 17, 19 and 23 December 2013. The advertisement reads, "Your aroha really helps. Let's remember it's often the simple things that bring the most joy." The advertisement also includes the web address of the All Right? Facebook page and encourages the viewer to cut the compliment out to keep or share.
An image suggesting how watching the Cricket World Cup Final can be an opportunity to give. The image suggests hosting neighbours to watch the match and sending the Black Caps some aroha. The image is from the 'World Cup Final Survival Guide' which depicted ways to practice the Five Ways to Wellbeing while watching the match. All Right? posted the image on their Facebook page on 27 March 2015 at 3:19pm.