A graphic giving the status of Woolston School.
A photograph of the former Woolston Post Office.
A photograph of a window of the former Woolston Post Office.
A photograph of a window of the former Woolston Post Office. The building has been braced with cable ties.
A photograph of the former Woolston Post Office. A sign at the front of the building reads, "Danger, tower may collapse".
A photograph of the former Woolston Post Office. A sign at the front of the building reads, "Danger, tower may collapse".
A page banner promoting an article about The Tannery development in Woolston.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Sean Crawford, fire service radio communication engineer, at the Woolston USAR base, following Canterbury's earthquake".
An audio recording of Fr Dan Doyle's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 31 October 2012. Doyle is a Catholic priest, formerly for the Parish of Rangiora. Currently he is a priest at St Anne's, Woolston.
A transcript of Fr Dan Doyle's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 31 October 2012. Doyle is a Catholic priest, formerly for the Parish of Rangiora. Currently he is a priest at St Anne's, Woolston.
The front page graphic for the Mainlander section of The Press, featuring an article about The Tannery development in Woolston.
A video of Principal Toni Simpson telling the students and teachers of Phillipstown School about the plan to merge their school with Woolston School. Phillipstown is one of twelve schools which is set to merge in the Education Renewal Recovery Programme. The programme was created by the Minister of Education in the wake of the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes.
Woolston Brass group getting ready to play at the Re:Start Mall, just outside the Contemporary Lounge, part of the Ballantynes department store.
A photograph of The Brewery on Garlands Road.
A video of a protest against the merging of Phillipstown and Woolston Schools. Staff and students from Phillipstown School lead a march down Ferry Road to highlight the dangers children will face walking to school if Phillipstown is closed. The video also includes interviews with Phillipstown Principal Tony Simpson and Christchurch City Councillors Peter Beck and Makere Hubbard, about the protest and the merger.
A video of an interview with Phillipstown Principal Toni Simpson about the Ministry of Education's plans to merge his school with Woolston Intermediate. The video was recorded hours before Education Minister Hekia Parata made her announcement about the Ministry's decisions. Simpson talks about his belief in the school, his frustration over the Ministry's decision process, and the loss to the community if the merge takes place.
A photograph of Alasdiar Cassels, Zak Cassels, and Joseph Shanks on the building site for The Tannery.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Urban Search and Rescue worker Barry Smith, from the USAR taskforce, at the NZ Fire Service Training Centre, Woolston, which is temporary home for 80 USAR staff from the North Island".
A PDF copy of pages 248-249 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Hereafter'. Photo: Bridgit Anderson
A video of an interview with Alastair Cassels about the opening of stage two of the Tannery Arcade in Woolston. Cassels talks about the success of the venture, the work still to be completed, and the growing number of shops in the arcade.
A PDF copy of pages 90-91 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'The Brewery'. Interior photo provided by The Brewery. Exterior photo: Tessa Peach.
A video of Principal Tony Simpson announcing to staff and parents at Phillipstown School that the Ministry of Education has decided to merge the school with Woolston School. The video also includes an interview with Tony Simpson about the merger, and his hopes for education in Christchurch in the future.
A video of an interview with Zak and Alasdair Cassels about the development of the historic tannery site in Woolston. The Cassels are developing the site into a Victorian-style arcade which will house up to 70 tenants, including bars, restaurants, a music venue, gift shops, fashion stores, a hair salon, a Pilates studio, a tattoo parlour, and an art gallery. The video also includes an interview with Sarah Odering, the manger of Dead Set.
A video of an interview with Tony Simpson, Principal of Phillipstown School, about the High Court's ruling on the merger of Woolston School and Phillipstown School. The Ministry of Education planned to merge the schools after the 22 February 2011 earthquake. However, Justice John Fogarty declared that the Ministry's consultation process failed to meet the requirements of the Education Act in two respects and that the merger was unlawful. Simpson talks about the joy he felt on hearing the news, his disappointment that it came down to a High Court decision, and his plans for the school's future.