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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This study analysed liquefaction susceptibility and estimated ground settlements for two earthquake scenarios (foothills and Alpine Fault) for eastern Waimakariri District. The report was later partially superseded by Earthquake hazard assessment for Waimakariri District (Yetton and McCahon, 2009), which while not using such detailed analytical methods as the 2000 Beca report, reviewed new information available since 2000 (including that collected as part of the Pegasus Town development). This showed that the liquefaction susceptibility in eastern Waimakariri district was in fact much more variable than suggested in the 2000 Beca maps, and that liquefaction susceptibility was extremely difficult to predict without a site-specific investigation. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Local relief: Waimakariri District Mayor Ron Keating (left) receives a cheque for $100,000 from MainPower managing director Allan Berge at the Civil Defence headquarters set up in council's chambers. The money is targeted for Waimakariri families who have been hard hit by the earthquake".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Earthquake visit: The Governor General and the Right Hon. Sir Anand Satyanand enjoy a cup of tea with Waimakariri district councillors, residents and Earthquake Recovery Assistance Centre staff last Thursday. The Governor General was in the district to offer support and encouragement".