
found 3 results

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign taped to the lamp post in front of Sonya Smith Atelier on Colombo Street. The sign reads, "Danger, keep out, restricted area". A yellow sticker on the front door also indicates that access to the building is restricted. A handwritten sign on the door reads, "Cannot open safely until structure is checked. Please ring Sonya if needing any more assistance. Sonya. Keep safe".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign taped to the lamp post in front of Sonya Smith Atelier on Colombo Street. The sign reads, "Danger, keep out, restricted area". A yellow sticker on the front door also indicates that access to the building is restricted. A handwritten sign on the door reads, "Cannot open safely until structure is checked. Please ring Sonya if needing any more assistance. Sonya. Keep safe".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Sonya Smith about the lack of access to her store on New Regent Street. Smith has not been able to access her store since the 22 February 2011 earthquake, and still has about $60,000 worth of personal possessions inside the store. In contrast, many of the other stores on the street have been restored and reopened.