The project report for Poetica, part of Gap Filler project 20, Walls. Poetica was an urban poetry project in which an interactive poetry installation was painted on the wall of 614 Colombo Street. The purpose of the project was to visualise the regeneration of Christchurch as an unwritten poem by allowing members of the public to writing poetry on the Poetica wall.
A photograph of the Poetica Urban Poetry wall.
A video of a woman performing a reading at Gap Filler's Poetica on Colombo Street.
A photograph of volunteers painting the Poetica Urban Poetry wall.
A photograph of a woman reading poetry. She is standing in front of the Poetica Urban Poetry wall.
A photograph of the Poetica Urban Poetry wall. Details of the opening event are chalked on the wall.
A photograph of volunteers standing beside a fence made from wooden pallets, at the site of the Poetica Urban Poetry wall.
A photograph of a woman reading poetry to an audience. She is standing in front of the Poetica Urban Poetry wall.
A photograph of a woman applying filler to a concrete-block wall, in preparation for painting it to become the Poetica Urban Poetry wall.
A PDF copy of pages 182-183 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Poetica Urban Poetry Project'. Photos: Gap Filler