A plan depicting the layout of Gap Filler Project 22, the Pallet Pavilion.
A document produced by SPCA Canterbury outlining a plan for pet owners to follow in order to prepare for a disaster.
A PDF copy of pages 274-275 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Central City Plan (Draft Central City Recovery Plan for Ministerial Approval, December 2011)'. Photos with permission: CCC
A Gap Filler submission to the Christchurch City Council Draft City Plan requesting the permission to be heard at the public hearing with regard to the Transitional City Chapter of the Draft City Plan.
A Gap Filler submission to the Christchurch City Council Draft City Plan requesting the permission to be heard at the public hearing with regards to changes to temporary activities and buildings.
A plan depicting the possible furnishing layouts of Gap Filler Project 22, the Pallet Pavilion.
A page banner for a feature titled, "Your new city: CERA's 100-day plan".
A video of a presentation by Associate Professor Leonardo Duenas-Osorio of Rice University in Texas on "Learning and planning collaboration on 'Inderdependencies of Lifeline Systems' workshop". The presentation was delivered at the Learning from Lifeline Week and Planning Collaborations forum as part of the University of Canterbury's Lifeline Week.
An infographic showing planned changes to transport in the central city.
A graphic giving details about the river park proposed in the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan.
A video of a presentation by Dr Craig Davis of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power on "Learning and planning collaboration on 'Earthquake-Flood Multi-Hazard Impact on Lifelines' and 'Resilience Measures and Strategies'". The presentation was delivered at the Learning from Lifeline Week and Planning Collaborations forum as part of the University of Canterbury's Lifeline Week.
A public talk by Jill Atkinson, Director of Strategy and Programmes at Environment Canterbury. This talk, entitled 'Land use recovery plan', formed part of the Plenary Three session, 'Designing the future'.
A PDF copy of page 140 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The page documents the transitional project 'CCDU 100 Day Plan'.
A proposed design by John Raven for a new cathedral, tied to a cordon fence. Clarendon Tower can be seen in the background. The photographer comments, "Someone is asking for designs for a new Christchurch Cathedral after it was announced that the old historical building will not be repaired, to be put on the fences through which people can see the de-construction of the old one. This design looks a great one to me".
A Gap Filler submission to the Christchurch City Council Draft City Plan on behalf of the Gap Filler Trust, Greening the Rubble Trust and Life in Vacant Spaces Charitable Trust. The submission recommeded that the Christchurch City Council retain the funding levels for these intiatives at 2012 levels ($565,000) rather than reduce them to $400,000 as proposed, and that this funding be tagged for projects citywide and not restructed to the central city.
A video about the government's financial aid plan for workers affected by the 4 September 2010 earthquake. Prime Minister John Key has travelled to Christchurch to announce the plan. This video includes footage of a press conference with John Key at the Christchurch Art Gallery. It also includes footage of John Key meeting residents at the Civil Defence Centre at Addington Raceway.
A video examining the New Brighton Master Plan released by the Christchurch City Council. The plan proposes extending Oram Avenue through to the car park on Hawke Street and moving the supermarket to the back of the Hawke Street car park. The slow road through the top part of the mall will also be extended through the pedestrianized section, and a bus exchange will be built on Beresford Street.
A map showing details of the Central City Plan.
A graphic illustrating quotes about the '100 days' city plan.
An infographic showing the planned revamp of Rugby League Park.
A graphic showing plans for the proposed EPIC Innovation Centre.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "CBD plan adopted".
Maps showing remediation plans for Avonside, Dallington, and Kaiapoi North.
A video of a presentation by Roger Fairclough of the National Infrastructure Unit on "New Zealand resilient infrastructures: interdependency issues when planning for the future". The presentation was delivered at the learning forum on Interdependencies of Lifeline Systems as part of the University of Canterbury's Lifeline Week.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "New plan for Oval".
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Plans for City Mall".
An infographic giving an overview of the draft Central City Plan.
A page banner promoting an article titled, "Planning a new home".
An incomplete graphic showing plans for the proposed EPIC Innovation Centre.
A video of a press conference with Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee and Mayor Lianne Dalziel. The conference was held to announce the implementation of the Accessible Transport Plan. Brownlee announces the introduction of a 30 km/h speed limit in the inner city zone, facilitating the use of bicycles and encouraging pedestrian movement within the centre city. Lianne also talks about how the plan allows for a clean, green, safe, and accessible city, reflecting the public's visions in the Share an Idea campaign.