
found 6 results

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A pile of liquefaction silt in Parklands has been decorated with a Santa hat, Christmas decorations and a pair of jandals to form a silt 'snowman'. The photographer comments, "Not the most welcome Santa to find on your doorstep on Xmas Eve. This was made out of damp liquefaction in Parklands".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A large pile of liquefaction silt in Parklands has been topped with a Christmas star. The photographer comments, "Not exactly the kind of sand castle you want to build on your Summer holidays. This is the biggest of several piles of liquefaction in just one street in Parklands/Queenspark".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A vehicle parked beside a broken streetlight in Parklands. The photographer comments, "This street light was shaken apart during the one of the double earthquakes on 23 December".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Dried liquefaction silt in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "Here you can see the very fine surface layer of liquefaction starting to shrink, crack and then curl up on itself".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Dried liquefaction silt in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "The liquefaction after the 23 December earthquake in Christchurch started to dry out and the thicker deposits started to curl up like broken drain pipe".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Dried liquefaction silt in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "This is the the top layer of liquefaction that has dried up in the hot sun. A broken eggshell is around 5 times stronger than these, but a fallen leaf is just not enough to break one. You can see underneath that the heavier sandy layer of liquefaction has dried and has cracked as well".