
found 37 results

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the reopening of Alice in Videoland, in the back of the former Post Office on the corner of Tuam and High Streets. The redesigned space has allowed Alice in Videoland to expand from a DVD rental store to include an art-house cinema as well.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of an interview with Andy Dodd, archaeologist at Underground Overground Archaeology, and Rewi Couch, representative for Te Hapu o Ngai Te Wheke, about the excavation of the site of the former Lyttelton Post Office on Norwich Quay. A Maori adze was found by the archaeologists deep beneath the concrete foundations of the building. The adze is a woodworking tool which indicates that early Maori settlers may have carved and launched waka on the site.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a sign on a lamp post on Bealey Avenue. The sign reads, "Attention Public, there is a cordon in effect. From the timings of 0600 to 1800 only personal with legitimate reasons and home owners are permitted to enter the cordon. Home owners, please have proof of address and identification ready for inspection. At 1800 to 0600 the cordoned area is under curfew. The only personnel permitted to enter are: health professionals, Canterbury Council staff, contractors, media. No exceptions. If you have any questions, please approach police or NZDF personnel. Thank you for your co-operation".