A photograph of the Fitzgerald Avenue Community Garden.
A photograph of the Fitzgerald Avenue Community Garden.
A photograph of the partially-demolished Ward's Brewery on Fitzgerald Avenue.
A photograph of the partially-demolished Ward's Brewery on Fitzgerald Avenue.
A photograph of an excavator demolishing Ward's Brewery on Fitzgerald Avenue.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Ward's Brewery on Fitzgerald Avenue.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Ward's Brewery on Fitzgerald Avenue.
A photograph of volunteers at the Fitzgerald Avenue Community Garden.
Holes in a brick building on Fitzgerald Avenue are marked with spray-painted numbers.
A photograph of volunteers working at the Fitzgerald Avenue Community Garden.
A photograph of the empty site which is to become the Fitzgerald Avenue Community Garden.
A photograph of high school students working at the Fitzgerald Avenue Community Garden.
A photograph of a member of the New Zealand Urban Search and Rescue team searching through the rubble of Ward's Brewery on Fitzgerald Avenue.
Damaged buildings on Fitzgerald Avenue, seen through the cordon fence.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Damage to Fitzgerald Avenue beside the Avon River".
An archaeological report compiled for New Zealand Historic Places Trust under the Historical Places Act 1993
An archaeological report compiled for New Zealand Historic Places Trust under the Historical Places Act 1993
An archaeological report compiled for New Zealand Historic Places Trust under the Historical Places Act 1993
An archaeological report compiled for NZHPT under the Historical Places Act 1993.
An archaeological report compiled for NZHPT under the Historical Places Act 1993.
A PDF copy of pages 304-305 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'Fitzgerald Ave Community Garden'. Photos with permission from Greening the Rubble
Damage to The Bone Dude's Bone Carving Studio and Cultured Gallery on Fitzgerald Avenue. The brick wall is cracked, and the guttering has fallen. The photographer comments, "This building was damaged in the September earthquake in Christchurch. It was the Bone dude's bone carving studio. The motto on the wall was 'Carve your own' and it looks like the earthquakes did just that".
Damage to the roadway on Fitzgerald Avenue as it passes by the Avon River. One lane of the road has slumped towards the river and has been closed.
Damage to the roadway on Fitzgerald Avenue as it passes by the Avon River. One lane of the road has slumped towards the river and has been closed.
A broken window at ground level has building rubble behind it, some of which has been pushed out through the broken glass. The photographer comments, "The alternate title is 'Under Pressure'. A bulldozer must have pushed earthquake debris up against the internal wall not realising there was a glass reinforced window at ground level".
A black and white photograph of a pile of rubble in front of a window. In the background behind the window a gap in the building can be seen. The photographer comments, "The result of the Christchurch earthquakes".