A research report by Ju-Ting (Tania) Lee written in 2013 during her studies towards a Bachelor of Applied Science at Unitec Institute of Technology. The report explores the effects of the Christchurch earthquakes on the behaviour and well-being of cats and dogs, according to their owners.
A video about the training of search dogs for New Zealand Urban Search and Rescue (USAR). The video includes an interview with dog handler, Brenda Woolley, and Tim Drennan, the President of the New Zealand USAR Search Dog Association. Woolley talks about what they look for in search dogs, as well as how they train them. The video also includes footage of a dog being trained in the rubble from a demolished building in Christchurch.
A photograph of Donna Allfrey, her husband Lex, and their two dogs, Niko and Zeus, sitting on the front steps of their house on Oxford Terrace. A green sticker on the door behind them indicates that the house has been inspected and is safe to enter.
A media release produced by the General Manager of SPCA Canterbury about the SPCA's "Desex in the City" campaign which offered to desex cats, dogs, kittens and puppies in Christchurch for free after the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. The campaign was created in order to help reduce unwanted animal numbers in Christchurch.