A designer's guideline which explains the role of Technical Leads at SCIRT.
A photograph of the Avon River near Victoria Square, looking towards the Hamish Hay Bridge.
Members of the public view a jewellery store in the newly re-opened New Regent Street.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 7. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.
The fence of Estuary Road Preschool is decorated with a hand-painted paper heart and flowers for the anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
The intersection of Oxford Terrace and Worcester Street looking west.
A photograph of the house at 458 Oxford Terrace.
An aerial photograph of a industrial land development in Rolleston.
A photograph of Whole House Reuse item 375. This item was salvaged from 19 Admiral Way in New Brighton as part of the Whole House Reuse project.