A sign on Ferry Road in Woolston reading, "Super heat has moved to 9 Radley Street".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Earthquake damage in central Christchurch after a 6.3 earthquake. Road cracks".
A photograph of a damaged house. The photograph is captioned by Paul Corliss, "River Road, Avonside".
Apartment complex behind cordon fencing on Carlton Mill Road. Cracks are clearly visible on the walls.
Apartment complex behind cordon fencing on Carlton Mill Road. Cracks are clearly visible on the walls.
A photograph of soil remediation techniques being carried out on a farm near River Road in Lincoln.
A photograph of the remains of a liquefaction blister on a farm near River Road in Lincoln.
A photograph of liquefaction emerging from freshly-harrowed soil on a farm near River Road in Lincoln.
A photograph of liquefaction emerging from freshly-harrowed soil on a farm near River Road in Lincoln.
A photograph of liquefaction emerging from freshly-harrowed soil on a farm near River Road in Lincoln.
A photograph of the severe damage to Cashmere Road in Halswell caused by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A line of shipping containers along the base of the cliffs in Sumner protects the road from rockfalls.
A man fills bottles from a water supply at a Red Cross aid station on Pages Road
Peraki Street in Kaiapoi, near the railway level crossing. The road and footpath surfaces are cracked and buckled.
A photograph of liquefaction emerging from freshly-harrowed soil on a farm near River Road in Lincoln.
A photograph of the severe damage to Cashmere Road in Halswell caused by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A photograph of the remains of a liquefaction blister on a farm near River Road in Lincoln.
A photograph of the severe damage to Cashmere Road in Halswell caused by the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
A photograph captioned by Paul Corliss, "Catholic Convent, Barbadoes Street".
Peraki Street in Kaiapoi, near the railway level crossing. The road and footpath surfaces are cracked and buckled.
Peraki Street in Kaiapoi, near the railway level crossing. The road and footpath surfaces are cracked and buckled.
A line of shipping containers along the base of the cliffs in Sumner protects the road from rockfalls.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A sign on the fence of a red zoned property in Lower Styx Road. The sign reads, 'Browlee an (sic) Sutton R Clowns. Haven't got it right! $75 He rip off'. Many of the homeowners in this area believe that their homes should not be red zoned as the damage is much less than in other red zoned areas".
A photograph of a building on the corner of Victoria Street and Bealey Avenue. Large sections of the building have collapsed and the bricks have spilled onto the footpath below. Scaffolding has been constructed around the rest of the building, blocking it from view. In the foreground steel fencing and road cones have been placed across Victoria Street as a cordon.
A photograph of a large trench at the entrance to a street in Christchurch. There is water and liquefaction in the trench. Road cones have been placed around it as a warning. In the background, two personnel from the New Zealand Army are guarding the entrance to the street. They are wearing their army uniforms and high-visibility vests.
A photograph of a poster and picket signs in the window of the Earthquake Services building on the corner of Fitzgerald Avenue and Ferry Road. The poster depicts Gerry Brownlee in the style of Barack Obama's "Hope" campaign poster, and reads "Democracy nope". The picket signs read "Brownlee: rise, lies and pies" and "Overwrought, overdrawn, over EQC".
A photograph of emergency management personnel walking down Manchester Street towards the intersection of High and Lichfield Streets. Many of the buildings on the left side of the road have been damaged by the earthquakes. In the distance rubble from the earthquake-damaged buildings has spilled onto the road. Steel fences have been placed along the footpath to the left.
A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team walking down Gloucester Street towards Latimer Square. To the right, shipping containers have been stacked beside the square. A cordon of wire fences and road cones have also been used to cordon off the street in the distance.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Edward Gibbon building on Madras Street. Sections of the top storey have collapsed and the bricks have spilled onto the road in front, damaging the awning and smashing several cars. In the foreground members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team are standing on the road.
A video of an interview with Defence Counsel Jonathan Eaton about the police's refusal to allow diversion for alleged-looter Cornelius Arie Smith-Voorkamp. Smith-Voorkamp was arrested for allegedly taking light fittings from an earthquake-damaged property on Lincoln Road. Diversion was applied for on the basis that Smith-Voorkamp has autism, and his Asperger's syndrome involves a compulsion to take electrical fittings.