A photograph of street artwork painted on a box on the corner of Madras Street and St Asaph Street. The artwork depicts a person in a beret hanging on to the edge of the painting, pulling it down to reveal a blue sky.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Knox Church on the corner of Bealey Avenue and Victoria Street. The walls of the gables have crumbled, bricks and other rubble falling onto the footpath below. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the lower section of the wall.
A photograph of cordon fences around a building on Cashel Street. Road cones have also been placed around the building and the word "Danger" has been spray-painted on the footpath in front. Fallen masonry from the building lies on the footpath in front.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a block of buildings on Hereford Street. Large sections of the buildings have collapsed and the rubble has spilled onto the footpath and street in front. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the front of Calendar Girls.
A photograph of cars on Manchester Street which has been crushed by falling rubble. Bricks and other rubble from the earthquake-damaged shops above are scattered across the road in front. The word "clear" has been spray-painted on the side of the cars.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Peaches and Cream on the corner of Manchester and Tuam Streets. The top of the façade has been damaged, and USAR codes are spray-painted on the windows. Plastic fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of street art on the side of an electricity substation on St Asaph Street. The artwork includes a Maori heimatau (fish hook) motif. Search and rescue codes have been spray-painted on the door of the building.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Peaches and Cream on the corner of Manchester and Tuam Streets. The top of the façade has been damaged, and USAR codes are spray-painted on the windows. Plastic fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of spray paint marking a crack on a road in Darfield.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on a building on Hereford Street.
A photograph of painted fence palings at the Gap Filler Butterfly Gap site.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on a building on Hereford Street.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on a building on Hereford Street.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on a building on Hereford Street.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on a building on Hereford Street.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on a building on Hereford Street.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on a building on Hereford Street.
Stacks of pallets waiting to be painted and constructed into the Pallet Pavilion.
A photograph of USAR codes spray-painted on a wall in Peterborough Street.
A gate taped off with the words "No Go" spray painted on it.
A photograph of an earthquake-damaged house on Gloucester Street. The bottom storey of the house has shifted and is now on a noticeable lean. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the front of the building and a red sticker has been placed on one of the windows.
A photograph of bricks and other rubble on the footpath outside a building on Lichfield Street. USAR codes have been spray-painted on one of the windows and the front door. A red sticker has been stuck to a column on the right, indicating that the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of Riverview Lodge on Cambridge Terrace. Some of the roof tiles have lifted and cordon tape has been draped across the entrance. USAR codes have been spray-painted in one window and a red sticker taped in another. The red sticker indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Avonmore House on Hereford Street. Sections of the walls have crumbled, spilling bricks and masonry onto the footpath and street below. Many of the windows have warped, breaking the glass. USAR codes have been spray-painted on one of the columns.
A photograph of the former site of a house at 466 Oxford Terrace. The house was demolished after the land was zoned Red. Grass has begun to grow on the site. The house number has been spray-painted on the footpath in front.
Holes in a brick building on Fitzgerald Avenue are marked with spray-painted numbers.
A pothole marked by spray paint and road cones on Acland Avenue in Avonside.
A spray-painted smiley face on a window of the partially-demolished BNZ building.
A spray-painted smiley face on a window of the partially-demolished BNZ building.
A photograph of street art painted on a fence at Central New Brighton School.