A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road. The bricks in the gable have crumbled, exposing the wooden structure underneath and crushing a van below. Police tape has been placed around the building as a cordon.
The upper section of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Scaffolding has been constructed to allow workers from the South Island Organ Company to retrieve the church's valuable and historic organ. The windows at the far end have been weather proofed with plywood and strengthened with timber bracing.
Damage to the wall around a circular window inside the Durham Street Methodist Church. The plaster around the window is badly cracked and has chipped away in some sections, revealing the brickwork underneath it. The window has been weather proofed with plywood and braced with planks of wood.
A photograph of the door of Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church in Merivale. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the door.
A photograph submitted by Andy Palmer to the QuakeStories website. The description reads, "Chinese Methodist Church, Merivale. 25 Feb 2012.".
Bricks fallen from the damaged Richmond Methodist Church are stacked alongside it. The photographer comments, "Church window. With fallen bricks neatly stacked".
A video of a reunion between John Abraham and Josh Anderson. Abraham saved Anderson's life after he was buried under rubble from the Durham Street Methodist Church on the 22 February 2011. They are meeting for the first time in three years on the site of the demolished church.
A photograph of the Durham Street Methodist Church which collapsed during the 22 February 2011 earthquake. All that is left is a small section of the front wall. A large pile of masonry sits in front. To the left, scaffolding indicates the height of the building before it collapsed.
Damage to the front gable of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Masonry has fallen from the top of the gable, and the resulting gap has been weather proofed with plywood, tarpaulins and metal tiles. The steel bracing propping the whole front wall can be seen at the bottom of the photograph.
A photograph of the Durham Street Methodist Church on Durham Street. The church has almost completely collapsed and only a small section of the structure is still standing. Masonry and other rubble has spilled onto the footpath and street in front.
An audio recording of Greg Wright's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 22 March 2013. Greg Wright is the Executive Director of the Methodist Churches' Property and Investment Committees.
A transcript of Greg Wright's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 22 March 2013. Greg Wright is the Executive Director of the Methodist Churches' Property and Investment Committees.
A transcript of Janice Moss's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 19 October 2012. Janice Moss is a congregation member of the Wainoni Methodist Church and a former Sunday School teacher.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Durham Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Durham Street".
A photograph of paper hearts pegged on the cordon fence around the Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road. Quotes on the hearts read, "'Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.' Psalm 23", "'We can do no great things; only small things with great love.' Mother Teresa, and, "'Peace begins with a smile,' Mother Teresa". In the background, the earthquake damage to the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church can be seen. The wall of the gable has crumbled, the bricks spilling onto the grass below.
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road having its spire carefully removed so that restoration work can be considered".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road having its spire carefully removed so that restoration work can be considered".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road having its spire carefully removed so that restoration work can be considered".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road having its spire carefully removed so that restoration work can be considered".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road having its spire carefully removed so that restoration work can be considered".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road having its spire carefully removed so that restoration work can be considered".
A photograph of a plaque commemorating the establishment of the Methodist church in Lyttelton. The photograph is captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Winchester St, Lyttelton".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road is having its spire carefully removed so that restoration work can be considered".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "The Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road is having its spire carefully removed so that restoration work can be considered".
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road. The bricks at the top of the tower have crumbled, and the wooden bracing is hanging half off the building. The spire of the tower can be seen to the left where it was moved to following the 4 September 2010 earthquake.
Part two of an audio recording of Janice Moss's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 19 October 2012. Janice Moss is a congregation member of the Wainoni Methodist Church and a former Sunday School teacher.
Part two of a video recording of Janice Moss's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 19 October 2012. Janice Moss is a congregation member of the Wainoni Methodist Church and a former Sunday School teacher.
Part one of a video recording of Janice Moss's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 19 October 2012. Janice Moss is a congregation member of the Wainoni Methodist Church and a former Sunday School teacher.
Part one of an audio recording of Janice Moss's interview for the Church in the Quakes Project. The interview was conducted by Melissa Parsons on 19 October 2012. Janice Moss is a congregation member of the Wainoni Methodist Church and a former Sunday School teacher.