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Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake. Christchurch was rocked by a large aftershock shortly before 8am this morning. Social Development Minister Paula Bennett has donated money to the thousand of students who have filled the suburbs lending a hand to residents to clean up their properties. Bennett gets a lift with volunteer Bernie Shapiro in his Jeep, on Broomfield Terrace, Burwood".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "New Zealand's Governor-General Anand Satyanand and his wife Susan Satyanand visited sites around earthquake stricken Canterbury today. Selwyn District Council put a BBQ lunch for their staff and the Governor-General during his visit to their Rolleston offices. Satyanand talks to building consent officer Jeffrey Gordon".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Christchurch Earthquake. Christchurch was rocked by a large aftershock shortly after 8am this morning. Social Development Minister Paula Bennett has donated money to the thousand of students who have filled the suburbs lending a hand to residents to clean up their properties. Bennett gets a lift with volunteer Bernie Shaperio in his Jeep".