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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A colour photograph of the Fisher's Building, seen from the corner of Lichfield and High Streets. The photograph was taken before the 4 September 2010 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A poster created by Empowered Christchurch to advertise their submission to the CERA Draft Transition Recovery Plan on social media.The poster reads, "Submission. CERA Draft Transition Recovery Plan. After nearly five years of 'Emergency Response' where sustainability has been sacrificed in the interests of speed, we can assume that this phase is now behind us. We see no reason why this period should be extended until April 2016. Lessons must be learned from the past. It is time to move into the 'Restoration Phase'. Once seismic and building standards are corrected, and risks are notified, mapped and accepted, sustainability will be ensures. We need a city that is driven by the people that live in it, and enabled by a bureaucracy that accepts and mitigates risks, rather than transferring them to the most vulnerable residents. We support option 3+."

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A copy of a document from Empowered Christchurch which was sent to Queen Elizabeth. The document consists of a letter from Empowered Christchurch to Douglas Martin, Crown Manager from the Christchurch City Council, and Official Information Act requests sent to Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson and Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee. It also includes an appeal to the Queen on behalf of Christchurch residents with badly-damaged houses. Please note that a letter from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, which was originally included in the document, has been removed due to copyright issues.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A copy of a letter from Hugo Kristinsson which was sent to Niels Holm, Official Secretary to the Governor General, on 12 August 2014. The letter was sent on behalf of Empowered Christchurch. It thanks Holm for his response to the letter Empowered Christchurch sent to the Governor General and expresses their disappointment that they have not recieved a response from the Governor General. Kristinsson also expresses his disappointment that the Governor General has not forwarded a letter sent by the Queen 'to the relevant minister'.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A poster created by Empowered Christchurch to advertise their submission to the CERA Draft Transition Recovery Plan on social media.The poster reads, "Submission, CERA Draft Transition Recovery Plan. Seismic Risk. One thing we can learn from the past is that seismic risk in Canterbury has been underestimated before the earthquakes struck. This is confirmed in a report for EQC in 1991 (paper 2005). It is also the conclusion of the Royal Commission in the CTV report. A number of recommendations have been made but not followed. For example, neither the AS/NZS 1170.5 standard nor the New Zealand Geotechnical Society guidelines have been updated. Yet another recovery instrument is the Earthquake Prone Building Act, which is still to be passed by Parliament. As the emergency response part of the recovery is now behind us, we need to ensure sustainability for what lies ahead. We need a city that is driven by the people that live in it, and enabled by a bureaucracy that accepts and mitigates risks, rather than transferring them to the most vulnerable residents."

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of Crack'd for Christchurch in their workshop.Crack'd for Christchurch comments, "Big things are finally happening...this is our first day working in our new workshops. From left: Sharon Wilson, Marie Hudson, Helen Campbell, Jenny Cooper, and Shirley Walden."