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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A fence around a house has been spray painted after the house was cleared by a USAR team. This system was used following the February earthquake to mark buildings that have been checked. Restricted access tape has been placed across the gates.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury IT staff in their temporary office in the NZi3 building. The photographer comments, "University of Canterbury administration all fits into one building! Well, sort of. IT staff discuss system issues - or biscuits. Deborah Pearson, Sean Lowry, Malcolm Smeaton".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A building on Victoria Street, housing the Chinwag Eathai restaurant, that has been give a yellow placard. This was a building assessment system used following the February earthquake indicating that there should be limited access and that the building needs further evaluation.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A brick fence has been spray painted after it was cleared by a USAR team. This system was used following the February earthquake to mark buildings that have been checked. Restricted access tape has been placed across the gates. A pile of bricks have fallen onto the footpath.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video created by All Right? to accompany their entry to the 2014 Canterbury Health System Quality Improvement and Innovation Awards. All Right? were the winners of the Improved Health and Equity for all Populations award; the Consumer Council Award; and the Supreme Award.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of spray painted codes left after a building had been cleared by a USAR team. This system was used following the February earthquake to mark buildings that have been checked. This building has also been red-stickered, and has a notice that says "Danger. Do Not Enter".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A crane beside the boiler chimney in the University of Canterbury's Facilities Management yard. The photographer comments, "The University restarts its teaching, and the techies in e-learning move out of NZi3. Inspection and repairs to the University's boiler system. It's getting cooler, we'll need heat soon - but we need accessible buildings first".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A portaloo ouside an apartment building, on the wall next to it is a red sticker, informing the public the site is dangerous and not to enter. On the other side are spray painted codes left by USAR after it had been cleared. This system was used following the February earthquake to mark buildings that have been checked.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A scanned copy of a photograph of the He-Ne Continuous Gas Laser used in David Lockwood's MSc research at the University of Canterbury. David explains that the photograph shows "the complete experimental system, including the horn-shaped acoustic chamber in front and the operating laser in the rear".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the discovery of a historic tramline on North Avon Road. The video includes an interview with Brent Leersynder, a site engineer for SCIRT, and Steve Timpson, site foreman for SCIRT. The SCIRT team found the tramline while repairing the damaged wastewater system under North Avon Road in May.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

In collaboration with Melbourne sound artist Malcolm Riddoch, the original recording has also been turned into an audio work entitled "Body Waves", which accentuates the lower frequency harmonics at a venue to create a piece that goes beyond the auditory system and can be felt in the body. This piece has been performed several times, including in New Zealand, Australia and Slovenia. Listen to it here:

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of All Right? with their Consumer Council Award at the 2014 Canterbury Health System Quality Improvement and Innovation Awards evening. From left is Michael McEvedy (Chair of the Consumer Council), Sue Turner (All Right? Campaign Manager), Dr Lucy D'Aeth (Public Health Specialist for CDHB and All Right? Steering Group member) and Dr Don Mackie (Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Lei Zhang, a member of the University of Canterbury's E-Learning team, in their temporary office in the University Printery building. The photographer comments, "The University restarts its teaching, and the techies in e-learning move out of NZi3. We are sharing an office at the printery building. Richard Holliday and Aimee Leaning do their pre-press and outsourcing work, while Lei configures a new video streaming system".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of an ICOM IDAS Repeater next to the information for the Civil Defence Response Team networks. The IDAS is a digital land mobile radio system which retransmits radio signals. It was used by the Civil Defence to extend the range of their digital radios during the emergency response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Part of the Martin family of Shirley/Dallington who have been accused by police and the mayor of ripping off the system when people who really need the services should have been getting the support. Lala Martin with two of her six children. From left: eight-month old Kohine (a twin) and three year old Haokitaha".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of All Right? with their Supreme Award, at the 2014 Canterbury Health System Quality Improvement and Innovation Awards evening. From left is (unknown), Neil Brosnahan (CPH Information Team Manager), Rose Henderson (Director of Allied Health with the Specialist Mental Health Service of CDHB), Dr Lucy D'Aeth (Public Health Specialist for CDHB and All Right? Steering Group member), Sue Turner (All Right? Campaign Manager) and Dr Don Mackie (Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health).

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Part of the Martin family of Shirley/Dallington who has been accused by Police and the Mayor of ripping off the system when people who really need the service should have been getting the support. Lala Martin with two of her 6 children that live with her in her property, left eight-month old Kohine, a twin and three-year old Haokitaha".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of All Right? with their Supreme Award, at the 2014 Canterbury Health System Quality Improvement and Innovation Awards evening. From left is Gillian Bohm (Principal Advisor Quality Improvement, Health Quality and Safety Commission), David Meates (Chief Executive of the Canterbury and West Coast District Health Boards), Neil Brosnahan (CPH Information Team Manager), Rose Henderson (Director of Allied Health with the Specialist Mental Health Service of CDHB), Dr Lucy D'Aeth (Public Health Specialist for CDHB and All Right? Steering Group member), Sue Turner (All Right? Campaign Manager) and Dr Don Mackie (Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health).

Audio, UC QuakeStudies

An audio recording of a mayoral debate hosted by Generation Zero in partnership with 350 Christchurch. The event was titled Mayoral Debate: a climate-smart Christchurch. It was held on campus at the University of Canterbury on Thursday 22 September, 2016 and was moderated by Catarina Gutierrez of the Ministry of Awesome. The debate was structured as follows: Section 1: Candidates answered set questions sent prior to the event Section 2: Candidates answered set questions they have not seen before Interval Section 3: Candidates answered written questions from the audience (climate-related questions were submitted during the interval and a selection of these were given to the moderator). The audio recording was taken through the University's Echo system.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Thomas Petschner during the Resilience and Response Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Medical Clowning in Disaster Zones".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: To be in a crisis caused by different kinds of natural disasters (as well as a man made incidents), dealing with ongoing increase of problems and frequent confrontation with very bad news isn't something that many people can easily cope with. This applies obviously to affected people but also to the members of SAR teams, doctors in the field and the experienced humanitarians too. The appropriate use of humour in crisis situations and dis-functional environments is a great tool to make those difficult moments more bearable for everyone. It helps injured and traumatised people cope with what they're facing, and can help them to recover more quickly too. At the same time humorous thinking can help to solve some of the complex problems emergency responders face. This is in addition to emergency and medical only reactions - allowing for a more holistic human perspective, which can provide a positive lasting effect. The ability to laugh is hardwired into our systems bringing a huge variety of physical, mental and social benefits. Even a simple smile can cultivate optimism and hope, while laughter can boost a hormone cocktail - which helps to cope with pain, enhance the immune system, reduce stress, re-focus, connect and unite people during difficult times. Humour as an element of psychological response in crisis situations is increasingly understood in a much wider sense: as the human capacity to plan and achieve desired outcomes with less stress, thus resulting in more 'predictable' work in unpredictable situations. So, if we approach certain problems in the same way Medical Clowns do, we may find a more positive solution. Everyone knows that laughter is an essential component of a healthy, happy life. The delivery of 'permission to laugh' into disaster zones makes a big difference to the quality of life for everyone, even if it's for a very short, but important period of time. And it's crucial to get it right as there is no second chance for the first response.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Dr Erin Smith during the Community Resilience Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "A Qualitative Study of Paramedic Duty to Treat During Disaster Response".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: Disasters place unprecedented demands on emergency medical services and test paramedic personal commitment to the health care profession. Despite this challenge, legal guidelines, professional codes of ethics and ambulance service management guidelines are largely silent on the issue of professional obligations during disasters. They provide little to no guidance on what is expected of paramedics or how they ought to approach their duty to treat in the face of risk. This research explores how paramedics view their duty to treat during disasters. Reasons that may limit or override such a duty are examined. Understanding these issues is important in enabling paramedics to make informed and defensible decisions during disasters. The authors employed qualitative methods to gather Australian paramedic perspectives. Participants' views were analysed and organised according to three emerging themes: the scope of individual paramedic obligations, the role and obligations of ambulance services, and the broader ethical context. Our findings suggest that paramedic decisions around duty to treat will largely depend on their individual perception of risk and competing obligations. A reciprocal obligation is expected of paramedic employers. Ambulance services need to provide their employees with the best current information about risks in order to assist paramedics in making defensible decisions in difficult circumstances. Education plays a key role in providing paramedics with an understanding and appreciation of fundamental professional obligations by focusing attention on both the medical and ethical challenges involved with disaster response. Finally, codes of ethics might be useful, but ultimately paramedic decisions around professional obligations will largely depend on their individual risk assessment, perception of risk, and personal value systems.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Richard Conlin during the Community Resilience Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Resilience, Poverty, and Seismic Culture".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: A strategy of resilience is built around the recognition that effective emergency response requires community involvement and mobilization. It further recognizes that many of the characteristics that equip communities to respond most effectively to short term emergencies are also characteristics that build strong communities over the long term. Building resilient communities means integrating our approaches to poverty, community engagement, economic development, and housing into a coherent strategy that empowers community members to engage with each other and with other communities. In this way, resilience becomes a complementary concept to sustainability. This requires an asset-based change strategy where external agencies meet communities where they are, in their own space, and use collective impact approaches to work in partnership. This also requires understanding and assessing poverty, including physical, financial, and social capital in their myriad manifestations. Poverty is not exclusively a matter of class. It is a complex subject, and different communities manifest multiple versions of poverty, which must be respected and understood through the asset-based lens. Resilience is a quality of a community and a system, and develops over time as a result of careful analysis of strengths and vulnerabilities and taking actions to increase competencies and reduce risk situations. Resilience requires maintenance and must be developed in a way that includes practicing continuous improvement and adaptation. The characteristics of a resilient community include both physical qualities and 'soft infrastructure', such as community knowledge, resourcefulness, and overall health. This presentation reviews the experience of some earlier disasters, outlines a working model of how emergency response, resilience, and poverty interact and can be addressed in concert, and concludes with a summary of what the 2010 Chilean earthquake tells us about how a 'seismic culture' can function effectively in communities even when government suffers from unexpected shortcomings.