Damage to the interior of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Plaster has come off the wall, baring the wood and stone work.
Damage to the interior of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Plaster has come off the wall, baring the wood and stone work.
Damage to the interior of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Plaster has come off the wall, baring the wood and stone work.
The kitchenette of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Plaster has come away from the walls and fallen onto the fridge and bench.
Damage to the interior of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Plaster has come off the wall, baring the wood and stone work.
Scaffolding inside the Durham Street Methodist Church that has been constructed to allow workers to remove the church's historic and valuable organ.
Damage to the interior of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Plaster has come off the wall, baring the wood and stone work.
Windows of the Durham Street Methodist Church that have been braced and weather proofed with timber. The plaster around them is badly cracked.
A painting rests against the wall of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Chips of plaster from the building's walls have fallen around it.
A photograph of a van from the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church. The van has been crushed by fallen bricks.
A photograph of workers in a crane-raise platform removing bricks from the earthquake-damaged Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road.
A photograph of a van from the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church. The van has been crushed by fallen bricks.
Strengthening work being undertaken by two workers suspended over the gable of the Wesleyan Methodist Church on the corner of Colombo and Brougham Street in Sydenham.
Damage to the interior of a back room of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Deep cracks can be seen in the plaster on the wall.
Damage to the interior of a back room of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Plaster has come off the wall, baring the brick work.
Damage to the interior of a back room of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Plaster has come off the wall, baring the brick work.
Damage to the interior of a back room of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Plaster has come off the wall, baring the brick work.
Pipes from the Durham Street Methodist Church's historic and valuable organ, which workers from the South Island Organ Company have been dismantling for removal.
A component of the Durham Street Methodist Church's historic and valuable organ, which workers from the South Island Organ Company have been deconstructing for removal.
The upper section of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Scaffolding has been constructed to allow workers to retrieve the church's valuable and historic organ.
Cracks in the interior wall of the Durham Street Methodist Church. Sections of plaster have chipped off to reveal the stone and brickwork underneath.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "A plaque on the site of the long-demolished Cambridge Terrace Methodist Church".
Brickwork around a circular window inside the Durham Street Methodist Church. The brickwork has been bared because the plaster covering it has chipped away.
A photograph of workers in a crane-raise platform removing bricks from the earthquake-damaged Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road.
Road cones on Stanmore Road in front of the cordoned-off Richmond Methodist Church.
A photograph of the Christchurch Chinese Methodist Church on Papanui Road. The top of the tower's walls have crumbled, the bricks falling onto the pavement below.
The roof of the right tower on the Durham Street Methodist Church. Part of the stonework on the left has broken and fallen off the building.
The roof of the right tower on the Durham Street Methodist Church. Part of the stonework on the left has broken and fallen off the building.
The Methodist Church of Durham Street with wire fencing around the building. A red sticker on the front door indicates that the building is unsafe to enter.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "About the largest piece of the roof beams with its steel brace, lying on the footpath - Durham Street Methodist Church".