A document describing Downer's use of column seismic clamps to prevent additional damage to the Arch columns.
Road damage between St Paul's School and Gayhurst Road bridge. The road has slumped near the curb, probably due to liquefaction.
A video of the removal of the earthquake-damaged Medway Street bridge from the banks of the Avon River. The video shows members of the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team removing the bridge and preparing it for transport to the Ferrymead Heritage Park. It will remain at the park until a permanent home can be found for it as an earthquake memorial.
Cordon fences on the Colombo Street bridge are the only signs of earthquake damage in this view of the recently re-opened Victoria Square.
A digitally manipulated photograph of the badly twisted Medway Street footbridge. The photographer comments, "This bridge over the Avon River in Christchurch, New Zealand has been left in place since the first major earthquake back in September 2010. Graffiti artists or taggers are still leaving their marks on it even though it is nearly twisted at 90 degrees at one point".
Damage to the new support structure for the widening of the Ferrymead bridge. A gap is visible between the support post and the surrounding area.
The Williams Street Bridge in Kaiapoi. This part of the footpath was damaged when the concrete abutment rose during the earthquake, forcing its way through the pavement and into the open. Fencing has been placed around this section of the bridge until work can be done to make it safe to walk on.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "River Avon looking west from the Manchester Street bridge. The damaged wall by the Edmonds band rotunda can be seen".
In front of the Williams Street Bridge in Kaiapoi. This part of the footpath was damaged when the concrete abutment rose during the earthquake, forcing its way through the pavement and into the open. Fencing has been placed around this section of the bridge until work can be done to make it safe to walk on.
A view through a safety fence to the damaged Bridge Tavern in Kaiapoi. Severe cracks in the building's foundations can be seen, and the front decking has sagged.
A view down Cashel Street from the Bridge of Remembrance, showing earthquake damage to several buildings along Cashel Mall. In the background the Hotel Grand Chancellor can be seen, a Christchurch hotel that was badly damaged in the February 2011 earthquake. The collapse of a key supporting shear wall caused the building to visibly lean to one side.
A photograph looking west down Cashel Street towards the Bridge of Remembrance. Rubble from earthquake-damaged buildings is piled on the road in the distance. Wire fencing has been placed in front of a seating area to the left and around a building in the distance.
The damaged Snell Place footbridge. A crack is visible at the apex of the span. The photographer comments, "Before the Christchurch earthquakes this bridge used to be just just 9 feet at high tide above the River Avon. Now with the ends pushed together it has probably moved up another 9 feet".
Damaged pavement on the Williams Street bridge in Kaiapoi. The concrete abutment has risen during the earthquake, forcing its way through the pavement of the footpath into the open.
Damaged pavement on the Williams Street bridge in Kaiapoi. The concrete abutment has risen during the earthquake, forcing its way through the pavement of the footpath into the open.
The badly twisted Medway Street footbridge. The photographer comments, "The September 4th 2010 earthquake in Christchurch was so violent that the banks of the Avon River moved towards each other. This footbridge being metal had to twist sideways to release the pressure of being pushed from both river banks. It looked like it had been wrung out like a wet towel".
A damaged wooden footbridge across the Avon River beside University Drive is blocked off with sheets of plywood and danger signs. The photographer comments, "The University restarts its teaching, and the techies in e-learning move out of NZi3. The bridge to the Rec Centre".
Damage to River Road in Richmond. The road surface is badly cracked and slumped, and liquefaction silt covers part of the road. Two people in gumboots walk towards a barrier erected across the road using road cones and warning tape, and in the background the badly twisted Medway Street bridge can be seen. The photographer comments, "Longitudinal cracks indicate lateral movement as the land sagged towards the river. Near 373 River Rd, looking south-east towards Medway St. The Medway St bridge is visible in the background".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Members of the Red Cross civil defence response team and South Canterbury Police have been in Christchurch helping with the earthquake clean up. Having a look at a damaged bridge on River Road near Tai Tapu is Anna Sole".
A sewage pumping station on Avonside Drive has been lifted out of the ground by liquefaction. In the background, the damaged Snell Place footbridge over the Avon River is closed off with cordon fencing. The photographer comments, "A Sunday afternoon ride to New Brighton, then back via Aranui, Wainoni, Dallington, and Richmond. Not a cheerful experience. Dallington footbridge. The two pieces of this foot bridge have moved towards each other, so the bridge has developed quite a peak. The sewage pumping station has been heaved out of the ground by hydraulic pressure during quakes".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Members of the Red Cross civil defence response team and South Canterbury Police have been in Christchurch helping with the earthquake clean up. Welfare checks required the team to walk along River Road checking on householders. Pictured looking at a damaged bridge on River Road near Tai Tapu are (from left) Andy Todd, Anna Munro and Ken Weavers".