Christchurch musician Ed Muzik and his band performing at Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap!" project.
Lyttelton band, Runaround Sue, performing at Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap!" project in Beckenham.
Lyttelton band, Runaround Sue, performing at Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap!" project in Beckenham.
Lyttelton band, Runaround Sue, performing at Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap!" project in Beckenham.
Lyttelton band, Runaround Sue, performing at Gap Filler's "Film in the Gap!" project in Beckenham.
People gathering at Gap Filler's cycle-powered cinema.
People gathering at Gap Filler's cycle-powered cinema.
Ryan Reynolds at Gap Filler's cycle-powered cinema.
The project report for Gap Filler Project 25, Dino-Sauna.
The project report for Gap Filler project 23, Re-Entry.
Gap Filler's "Dance-O-Mat" coin-operated dance floor.
The project report for Gap Filler project 15, Dance-O-Mat.
A group of woman playing petanque on Gap Filler's petanque pitch.
Bunting to be hung at Gap Filler's Fun Fair.
A woman sewing bunting for Gap Filler's Fun Fair.
A model of Gap Filler's "Dance-O-Mat".
A plan depicting the layout of Gap Filler Project 22, the Pallet Pavilion.
The project report for Gap Filler project 24, Concrete Prepositions.
Bob Charles', a Gap Golf course on a the site of a demolished building. It has been built by Gap Filler out of bricks and green felt.
'Vitamins C&G', a Gap Golf course on a the site of a demolished building. It has been built by Gap Filler out of bricks and green felt.
Bob Charles', a Gap Golf course on a the site of a demolished building. It has been built by Gap Filler out of bricks and green felt.
A sign with Gap Filler's logo tied to the wire fencing on one side of Gap Filler's cycle-powered cinema. Bunting has also been slung along the fence.
Members of Gap Filler and volunteers posing for a photograph in front of the half complete 10m2 office building in Sydenham.
Volunteers help Gap Filler clear a vacant building site of weeds. This is where Gap Filler's Playtime project will be constructed, a temporary cinema called 'The Night Club'.
Volunteers help Gap Filler clear a vacant building site of weeds. This is where Gap Filler's Playtime project will be constructed, a temporary cinema called 'The Night Club'.
The ceiling of the 10 square metre office building, soon to be Gap Filler Headquarters. Metal bracing can be seen between the wooden beams.
The construction of the 10 square metre office building which is to serve as Gap Filler Headquarters. Two men add insulation to the back wall.
The construction of the 10 square metre office building which is to serve as Gap Filler Headquarters. Two men put the walls together.
The site in Sydenham where the 10 square metre office building of Gap Filler Headquarters sits, with the Coffee Zone shack next door.
Volunteers drill holes in corrugated iron on the outside of the 10 square metre office building, soon to be Gap Filler Headquarters.