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Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a small advertisement from the All Right? 'Compliments' campaign that appeared in The Press on 4, 9, 14, 17, 19 and 23 December 2013. The advertisement reads, "You're strong (even if you don't always think so). Let's remember it's often the simple things that bring the most joy." The advertisement also includes the web address of the All Right? Facebook page and encourages the viewer to cut the compliment out to keep or share.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of the second part of a series of talks on the topic of Planning and People, at the 2012 Seismics and the City forum. The talks are as follows: Mary Devine, Managing Director of Ballantyne and Co, on Anchoring Re:START and holding the centre; Anthony Leighs, Chief Executive of Leighs Construction, on Deconstruction and Reconstruction; and Sam Johnson, founder of the Student Volunteer Army, on Mobilising a Quick Response

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damaged workshops in the Red Bus depot on Fitzgerald Avenue. The brick walls have partially crumbled. In the background is the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, with its dome partly deconstructed. The photographer comments, "This photo was taken recently on Fitzgerald Avenue. Again, it's amazing how close you can get to buildings that look like they are about to collapse. In the background, you can see that work has begun to remove the dome on top of the damaged Cathedral of he Blessed Sacrament".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the Gap Filler Monopoly board square on Manchester Street. The photographer comments, "On the site of a demolished earthquake damaged building in Christchurch, New Zealand is a Monopoly game square for giants. The Gap Filler Project makes the bare land where once a building once stood into something both interesting and unique and this time they created a massive Monopoly board square. In the game of Monopoly you move your player with a dog, shoe or maybe the hat, but as the most common thing in the City are diggers they have the placed one on the square. There are also two houses on Manchester Street, which is priced at $240".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

University of Canterbury Vice-Chancellor Rod Carr addressing a local musician inside the UCSA's "Big Top" tent. The tent was erected in the UCSA car park to provide support for students in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. The audience is made up of students who have spent the day clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties as part of the Student Volunteer Army.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of Ladi6 and All Right? staff member Ciaran Fox "getting out and about" in Christchurch, being shown around Brick Farm by owner and local columnist Johnny Moore. Brick Farm (now Smash Palace) is a bistro-style restaurant operating out of a restored brick building on High Street that opened in spring 2014, specialising in serving locally-grown produce. All Right? uploaded the video to YouTube on 21 April 2015 and posted a link to the video on their Facebook Timeline on 18 May 2015 at 7:30pm.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A motion-blurred photograph of houses, with the Port Hills in the background. The photographer comments, "This I hope gives you a feel of what it feels like in an earthquake. When you spend your whole life thinking that you and your home are built on solid ground, it can be quite a shock when you find it is not. You can feel the house shaking like a dog with a toy, rising up violently underneath you or the most gentle form which is when the ground moves gently like a wave moving under a rowing boat. It is not just the movement, you often get a rumbling sound which can precede a violent shake or can result in no movement at all. This means that some vehicles can sound like the rumbling initially and in the early days would get your heart racing. Another form of stress is when big excavators as heavy as a tank move as you can feel the ground shake from streets away, but you do not always hear the engine. For most of us the problem when the shaking starts, is wondering if this is the start of an extremely violent earthquake or will it peter out".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Members of the University of Canterbury's Digital Media Group in their temporary office in KB02 in Kirkwood Village, the complex of prefabs set up after the earthquakes to provide temporary office and classroom space for the university. The photographer comments, "The e-learning group and the video conferencing team are now located in the Kirkwood Village at the University of Canterbury. It's a very impressive project, about 60 buildings arranged in various configurations with some used for teaching or computer labs, and others as staff offices. We will probably stay here for several years now. Looking across the centre desks to the advisers' area".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the north side of the ChristChurch Cathedral in Cathedral Square. The front of the building has been propped up with steel bracing but further earthquakes have caused more damage, leaving a gap between the bracing and the wall. The tower has been partially demolished, but the lower section is still visible. Wire fencing has been placed around the entire building. In the background, a crane is rising high above the square.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of an invite to a lunchtime conversation held by Healthy Christchurch and Te Putahi. The conversation was a continuation of the recent visit by acclaimed international author Charles Montgomery, who spoke on the topic of sustainable and happy cities. The invitation includes information about the event, which was also the finale of the People Building Better Cities exhibition held by Te Putahi.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

A PDF copy of a Christmas card from 'Take a Breather', featuring a message by CDHB Chief Executive David Meates. The front design features a plethora of everyday and Christmas-themed images surrounding the words, "Take a breather... Canterbury's a busy place. What could you do to recharge?". The inside reads, "Merry Christmas. Meri Kirihimete." It also includes a message from David Meates encouraging the recipient to take a breather and have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Prime Minister John Key preparing for a photograph with Al Dwyer, leader of the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), and members of DART, outside the US headquarters in Latimer Square. Latimer Square was set up as a temporary headquarters for emergency managements personnel after the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Kay Giles, Chief Executive of CPIT Aoraki, at the 2016 Seismics in the City Conference. The presentation is titled, "Reinventing the Organisation".The abstract for the presentation reads, "How my organisation has done things differently after the earthquakes as a response to the new needs of the city and region and how it is taking the opportunity to re-examine and reinvent itself."

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Jane Morgan and Annabel Begg during the Social Recovery Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "Monitoring Social Recovery in Greater Christchurch".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: This presentation provides an overview of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's Social Recovery Lessons and Legacy project. This project was commissioned in 2014 and completed in December 2015. It had three main aims: to capture Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority's role in social recovery after the Canterbury earthquakes, to identify lessons learned, and to disseminate these lessons to future recovery practitioners. The project scope spanned four Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority work programmes: The Residential Red Zone, the Social and Cultural Outcomes, the Housing Programme, and the Community Resilience Programme. Participants included both Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority employees, people from within a range of regional and national agencies, and community and public sector organisations who worked with Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority over time. The presentation will outline the origin and design of the project, and present some key findings.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a presentation by Dr Scott Miles during the Community Resilience Stream of the 2016 People in Disasters Conference. The presentation is titled, "A Community Wellbeing Centric Approach to Disaster Resilience".The abstract for this presentation reads as follows: A higher bar for advancing community disaster resilience can be set by conducting research and developing capacity-building initiatives that are based on understanding and monitoring community wellbeing. This presentation jumps off from this view, arguing that wellbeing is the most important concept for improving the disaster resilience of communities. The presentation uses examples from the 2010 and 2011 Canterbury earthquakes to illustrate the need and effectiveness of a wellbeing-centric approach. While wellbeing has been integrated in the Canterbury recovery process, community wellbeing and resilience need to guide research and planning. The presentation unpacks wellbeing in order to synthesize it with other concepts that are relevant to community disaster resilience. Conceptualizing wellbeing as either the opportunity for or achievement of affiliation, autonomy, health, material needs, satisfaction, and security is common and relatively accepted across non-disaster fields. These six variables can be systematically linked to fundamental elements of resilience. The wellbeing variables are subject to potential loss, recovery, and adaptation based on the empirically established ties to community identity, such as sense of place. Variables of community identity are what translate the disruption, damage, restoration, reconstruction, and reconfiguration of a community's different critical services and capital resources to different states of wellbeing across a community that has been impacted by a hazard event. With reference to empirical research and the Canterbury case study, the presentation integrates these insights into a robust framework to facilitate meeting the challenge of raising the standard of community disaster resilience research and capacity building through development of wellbeing-centric approaches.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a single rose with a tag around the stem which reads, "When did you last show a little love?" Moffatts Flower Company donated thousands of flowers for the All Right? 'Flower Bombing' project. With the assistance of BNZ 'Closed for Good' staff, flowers were given out at the EQC call centre, Lyttelton Main, Lyttelton West and Phillipstown Schools, Eastgate Mall, and SCIRT rebuild sites. All Right? posted the photograph on their Facebook page on 3 September 2013 at 3:26pm.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake-damaged buildings and rubble on Colombo Street near the intersection of St Asaph Street. The walls of the top storey of the buildings to the left have crumbled, and bricks and other rubble have fallen onto the footpath and road below. Wire fencing and police tape have been placed across the street as a cordon.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a block of earthquake-damaged rooms at Stonehurst Accommodation on Gloucester Street. The bottom storey of the block has collapsed and the remaining rooms are now resting on an incline. The front walls of these rooms have also collapsed and the rubble has spilled in to the courtyard in front. Cordon tape has been draped across the courtyard in front of the rubble. To the left there is a car parked amongst the rubble.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

An image encouraging people to connect. The image depicts three 'All Righties' catching up over cakes and reads, "When did you last really catch up? Quality time with good friends can be the best medicine." The image was from phase 2 of the All Right? campaign, promoting the Five Ways to Wellbeing. The Five Ways to Wellbeing is a simple, evidence-based approach to improving wellbeing, promoted by the Mental Health Foundation.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Personnel from the Los Angeles County Fire Department, the Singapore Army, the New Zealand Police, the New Zealand Urban Search and Rescue Team, and St John, standing for two minutes of silence outside the Christ Church Cathedral in honour of the people who lost their lives in the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A car stuck in liquefaction on Breezes Road. The front wheels have fallen into a submerged pothole, lifting the back wheels off the ground. The photographer comments, "The most common sight was extensive damage to the roads. Papanui, Breezes, Wainoni, Shortland Street and many more roads had large cracks and large sink holes. There were approximately 6 cars and 1 large Ready Mix cement truck that had fallen into holes within a few blocks of each other. All people appear to have escaped without serious injury as far as I could tell".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

People write messages for the "Tree of Hope" at the River of Flowers event held in Riccarton Bush, commemorating the second anniversary of the 22 February earthquake. The photographer comments, "Luggage labels and pens were supplied, and people were encouraged to write a message of hope for Christchurch and tie it to the tree. Although the turn-out this year was just as big as last year's, there were not as many messages tied to the tree - perhaps we're all feeling less hopeful this year".

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video of a press conference with Mayor Bob Parker about the 4 September 2010 earthquake. The conference is held outside the temporary Civil Defence headquarters in the Christchurch Art Gallery. Parker announces that he had declared a state of emergency for Christchurch. He also gives advice to residents, telling them to conserve water, avoid flushing the toilets, to not go out and 'rubberneck', and to check on their neighbours.

Articles, UC QuakeStudies

This report describes the earthquake hazard in Waimate and Mackenzie districts and the part of Waitaki district within Canterbury, and gives details of historic earthquakes. It includes district-scale (1:500,000) active fault, ground shaking zone, liquefaction and landslide susceptibility maps. The report describes earthquake scenarios for a magnitude 7.2-7.4 Ostler Fault earthquake near Twizel, a magnitude 8 Alpine Fault earthquake, and a magnitude 6.9 Hunters Hills Fault Zone earthquake near Waimate. See Object Overview for background and usage information.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A two-storey house in Avonside Drive with a warped upper balcony. The photographer comments, "This house is on Avonside Drive opposite the Avon River. The land in this area spread laterally and had bad liquefaction of the soil. This caused some houses to sink into the ground, but as the balcony supports did not sink as much the balcony came to rest at a crazy angle".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of Erica Duthie from Tape Art NZ giving a talk in front of the mural. The photograph was taken at Street Talk, a Tape Art residency held from 6 - 9 March 2014. Street Talk was a collaborative project between All Right?, Healthy Christchurch and Tape Art NZ that had Christchurch communities create large tape art murals on the south wall of Community and Public Health.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The entrance to KB02, the University of Canterbury's Digital Media Group temporary office in Kirkwood Village, the complex of prefabs set up after the earthquakes to provide temporary office and classroom space for the university. The photographer comments, "The e-learning group and the video conferencing team are now located in the Kirkwood Village at the University of Canterbury. It's a very impressive project, about 60 buildings arranged in various configurations with some used for teaching or computer labs, and others as staff offices. We will probably stay here for several years now. The front doors. We'll need to advertise our presence once we're settled in".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Damage to TJ's Kazbah in New Brighton. The east and north walls and part of the upper floor have collapsed, tipping rubble and the contents of the rooms out onto the street. The photographer comments, "The occupants of the business and rooms all managed to escape alive. A digger was used to make the building safe and then used to sift through the rubble for any surviving belongings. It was a very emotional time for the ex-occupants".