Water and liquefaction flows into the Avon River in Richmond. The water level is very high, and the water is cloudy with silt. The photographer comments, "Water from Dudley Creek took a shortcut across the road into the Avon. It doesn't have much of a drop from the road to the river".
Water and liquefaction run down the driveway of a house in Richmond. The driveway level is noticeably higher than the footpath in front. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. A house along the block has water running out the driveway".
Liquefaction around QEII stadium. The photographer comments, "A Sunday afternoon ride to New Brighton, then back via Aranui, Wainoni, Dallington, and Richmond. Not a cheerful experience. QE2 stadium. From Frosts Rd, looking along Robin Tait Drive - the stadium looks OK from this distance, though the land has sunk and become waterlogged".
A fence along the side of the Avon River near the Retour Restaurant has broken and is leaning towards the river. The photographer comments, "After the Christchurch earthquakes the land moved towards the river Avon and in a lot of places buildings and walls sagged down in the direction of the waterway".
A photograph of the earthquake damage to the entrance of a driveway on Glenarm Terrace. A large hole in the foreground has had a road cone placed inside it. Other large cracks and liquefaction can bee seen. A man in overalls has parked his van next to the damage.
A large pile of liquefaction silt at a dump on Breezes Road. The photographer comments, "Breezes Road and Anzac Drive have recently opened but are now home to a brand new range of hills thanks to mountains of silt that have been collected by the hard working construction guys that have done a sterling job on the road there".
A residential property in Bexley with an overgrown garden. Dried liquefaction silt still covers the ground. The photographer comments, "Today I took a drive around the residential area between Bexley and New Brighton. It was a stark reminder to be thankful for the situation we're in and perhaps not complain too much that our garden wall hasn't yet been rebuilt".
An advertising poster outside Minx Dining Room and Bar on Lichfield Street depicts Katy Perry in a bird cage. The photographer comments, "One of the sites you will see on the Christchurch CBD red zone tour".
A sewage pumping station on Avonside Drive near the intersection with Robson Avenue has been lifted out of the ground by liquefaction. The photographer comments, "A Sunday afternoon ride to New Brighton, then back via Aranui, Wainoni, Dallington, and Richmond. Not a cheerful experience. Pumping station. Another hydraulically-lifted sewage pumping station, this time on Avonside Drive".
Damage to a house in Richmond. The brick wall is badly cracked and twisted, and some bricks have fallen, exposing the lining paper below. The driveway is cracked and covered in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd. More shaking damage on the east wall of the living room at our house".
This report describes the earthquake hazard in Kaikoura district and gives details of historic earthquakes. It includes district-scale (1:250,000) active fault, ground shaking zone, liquefaction and landslide susceptibility maps. The report describes an earthquake scenario for a magnitude 7.0-7.3 Hope Fault earthquake near Kaikoura, and a subsequent local tsunami.
A PDF copy of pages 232-233 of the book Christchurch: The Transitional City Pt IV. The pages document the transitional project 'SVA - The Clean Up'. Photos: Peter Walker, Three Chairs Photography. With permission from Volunteer Army Foundation.
A residential property in Bexley with boarded up windows and an overgrown garden. Dried liquefaction silt still covers the ground. The photographer comments, "Today I took a drive around the residential area between Bexley and New Brighton. It was a stark reminder to be thankful for the situation we're in and perhaps not complain too much that our garden wall hasn't yet been rebuilt".
Residential properties in Bexley with overgrown gardens, see from inside a vehicle. Dried liquefaction silt still covers the ground. The photographer comments, "Today I took a drive around the residential area between Bexley and New Brighton. It was a stark reminder to be thankful for the situation we're in and perhaps not complain too much that our garden wall hasn't yet been rebuilt".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "This loop of the Avon encircles Horseshoe Lake and gives the area its name and its attraction as a place to live. The land close to the Avon River has severe issues with slumping, lateral movement and liquefaction, so that much of it is red zoned and the houses will be demolished".
Damage to a house in Richmond. The brick wall is badly cracked and twisted, and some bricks have fallen, exposing the lining paper and framing below. The driveway is cracked and covered in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. Does that wall look straight to you?
Corcoron French Lawyers on Williams Street in Kaiapoi. Liquefaction has caused the building to sink on the right side. This is shown by the fence which now sits at an angle. The building occupiers have now moved to 17 Sewell Street, a sign on the door saying "Corcoron French Lawyers, We have moved to temporary premises, 17 Sewell Street, Opposite Kaiapoi Community Centre".
Damage to a house in Richmond. The brick wall is badly cracked and twisted, and some bricks have fallen, exposing the lining paper and framing below. The driveway is cracked and covered in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. More shaking damage on the east wall of the living room at our house".
Damage to a house in Richmond. The brick wall is badly cracked and twisted, and some bricks have fallen, exposing the lining paper and framing below. The driveway is cracked and covered in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "These photos show our old house in River Rd and recovery work around Richmond and St Albans. More shaking damage on the east wall of the living room at our house".
A collection of shovels from the Student Volunteer Army in the car park of the USCA. The shovels have been returned by students after a day of clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties. Behind them the UCSA's "Big Top" tent can be seen, which was erected to provide support for students at the University of Canterbury in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A residential property in Bexley with an overgrown garden. A wheelbarrow has been abandoned in the garden, and the garage door is tagged with graffiti. Dried liquefaction silt still covers the ground. The photographer comments, "Today I took a drive around the residential area between Bexley and New Brighton. It was a stark reminder to be thankful for the situation we're in and perhaps not complain too much that our garden wall hasn't yet been rebuilt".
Large piles of liquefaction silt at a dump on Breezes Road. One of the piles is covered with black plastic and weighted down with tyres. Trucks and diggers are adding more silt to the piles. The photographer comments, "Breezes Road and Anzac Drive have recently opened but are now home to a brand new range of hills thanks to mountains of silt that have been collected by the hard working construction guys that have done a sterling job on the road there".
This report describes the earthquake hazard in Ashburton district and gives details of historic earthquakes. It includes district-scale (1:250,000) active fault, ground shaking zone, liquefaction and landslide susceptibility maps. The report describes earthquake scenarios for a magnitude 7.0-7.3 earthquake on the Mt Hutt-Mt Peel Fault Zone and a magnitude 8 Alpine Fault earthquake. See Object Overview for background and usage information.
This report describes the earthquake hazard in Selwyn district and gives details of historic earthquakes. It includes district-scale (1:250,000) active fault, ground shaking zone, liquefaction and landslide susceptibility maps. The report describes earthquake scenarios for a magnitude 7.0-7.3 earthquake on the Porters Pass-Amberley Fault Zone and a magnitude 8 Alpine Fault earthquake. See Object Overview for background and usage information.
This report describes the earthquake hazard in Timaru district and gives details of historic earthquakes. It includes district-scale (1:250,000) active fault, ground shaking zone, liquefaction and landslide susceptibility maps. The report describes earthquake scenarios for a magnitude 7.0-7.3 earthquake on the Mt Hutt-Mt Peel Fault Zone and a magnitude 8 Alpine Fault earthquake. See Object Overview for background and usage information.
Large piles of liquefaction silt at a dump on Breezes Road. One of the piles is covered with black plastic and weighted down with tyres. Trucks and diggers are adding more silt to the piles. The photographer comments, "Breezes Road and Anzac Drive have recently opened but are now home to a brand new range of hills thanks to mountains of silt that have been collected by the hard working construction guys that have done a sterling job on the road there".
A collection of wheelbarrows from the Student Volunteer Army in the car park of the USCA. The wheelbarrows have been returned by students after a day of clearing liquefaction from Christchurch properties. Behind them the UCSA's "Big Top" tent can be seen, which was erected to provide support for students at the University of Canterbury in the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
A car on Rowses Road has its wheels embedded in liquefaction. The photographer comments, "The most common sight was extensive damage to the roads. Papanui, Breezes, Wainoni, Shortland Street and many more roads had large cracks and large sink holes. There were approximately 6 cars and 1 large Ready Mix cement truck that had fallen into holes within a few blocks of each other. All people appear to have escaped without serious injury as far as I could tell".
A box containing drilling cores from soil sampling. The photographer comments, "These are the samples from drilling near my home. As you can see they are not so much samples as sand piles. The drill in a nearby street went down 20m and it was sand all the way. This is the box of samples from the ground level to 4.6m deep".
A truck stuck in liquefaction on Breezes Road. The front wheels have fallen into a submerged pothole. The photographer comments, "The most common sight was extensive damage to the roads. Papanui, Breezes, Wainoni, Shortland Street and many more roads had large cracks and large sink holes. There were approximately 6 cars and 1 large Ready Mix cement truck that had fallen into holes within a few blocks of each other. All people appear to have escaped without serious injury as far as I could tell".