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Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to a group of shops on Colombo Street near the intersection of Kilmore Street. Large sections of the top storeys of the buildings have collapsed. Most of the bricks and other rubble have been cleared from the footpath. USAR codes have been spray-painted on many of the shops' windows. The closest store has been demolished and the rubble has been cleared away.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team examining an earthquake-damaged building on Acton Street. The closest section of the outer wall has collapsed, and the bricks and other rubble have fallen onto the pavement in front. A boat which was being stored inside has toppled over and is now sticking out of the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake-damaged to a house in Christchurch. The far wall has collapsed and many of the concrete blocks have spilled into the garden in front. Emergency tape has been draped in front of the wall as a cordon. A red sticker has also been stuck on the furthest window, indicating that the house is unsafe to enter.

Videos, UC QuakeStudies

A video about the earthquake damage to the Christchurch Town Hall. The video shows footage of a tour through the inside of the Town Hall, recorded on a GoPro camera. It also includes interviews with Councillor Glenn Livingstone and Councillor Tim Carter about their impressions of the damage and the work that will be needed to fix the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of members of the Wellington Emergency Management Office Emergency Response Team examining an earthquake-damaged building on Acton Street. The closest section of the outer wall has collapsed, and the bricks and other rubble have fallen onto the pavement in front. A boat which was being stored inside has toppled over and is now sticking out of the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake damage to the Carlton Hotel on the corner of Bealey Avenue and Papanui Road. The walls along the western side of the building have crumbled, bricks spilling onto the footpath. Scaffolding and steel bracing has been erected up the side. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon. In the foreground, road cones line the street.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Detail of a light fitting outside the former Ozone Hotel in North New Brighton. The photographer comments, "The broken light fitting is on the Ozone Hotel, which is red stickered after the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch. They will need to fix the building before this light gets a new bulb. The distinct blue colour seen is what made the Ozone stand out on Marine Parade".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of a letterbox lying on the ground in front of a red-stickered house. The photographer comments, "An abandoned red stickered house just outside the four avenues that surround Christchurch CBD. The letterbox came down when the wall it was attached to collapsed. The occupants would have had strict instructions to stay out as the property is too dangerous to enter in case there is another earthquake or big aftershock".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A bollard covered in tattered posters. The photographer comments, "After the Christchurch February 2011 earthquake no more adverts were pasted onto this advertising pillar. Over a year later the posters are starting to peel off and reveal older ones. It seems that the constant addition of new posters was keeping everything in equilibrium, but with no new posters everything is literally falling apart".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Workers operate a drilling rig inside a Terra Probe truck, which has been raised on jacks to make it stable. The photographer comments, "Another completely different company testing what is below the surface to determine what type of foundations new houses will need. This is in one the blue/green area of earthquake shaken Christchurch. Strangely this is 3 metres away from where the other testing was done".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A large chess board made from sand and broken shells, with a painted beach scene on the wall behind. The photographer comments, "After all the suggestions put on the wall on what to do in this area, which was once an earthquake damaged shop, they have made the chess board, painted a seaside scene on the wall and created a small wall of tyres".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a high-reach excavator demolishing a building. The photographer comments, "After the earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand the demolition of most of the City Centre began. After two years the government thought that the progress was far too slow, so began the start of the automatic demolition. Luckily when the solar powered demolition machines started to cause indiscriminate death and destruction they were isolated to the South Island and unable to cross the seas".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated photograph of the badly twisted Medway Street footbridge. The photographer comments, "This bridge over the Avon River in Christchurch, New Zealand has been left in place since the first major earthquake back in September 2010. Graffiti artists or taggers are still leaving their marks on it even though it is nearly twisted at 90 degrees at one point".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of the sun shining through a stand of pine trees in New Brighton. Some of the trees are on a lean. The photographer comments, "Due to the Christchurch earthquakes and the land subsiding in this area the trees in this area will nearly all be cut down. So these may be the last tall trees to bathe in the sunshine for decades to come".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of a daffodil placed on the gates of QEII Stadium. The photographer comments, "Someone placed a daffodil on the gates to the QEII Stadium in Christchurch. The stadium is being razed to the ground after being very badly damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. Besides being a Commonwealth Games stadium it was also housed one of the best swimming pools in the region".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A digitally manipulated image of light sculptures on Gloucester Street during the LuxCity event. The photographer comments, "This was part of the LuxCity event in Christchurch, New Zealand. It was a way of creating a city of lights on the sites of demolished buildings in the earthquake devastated red zone. 350 architecture and design students from all around New Zealand created and constructed 16 pop up spaces".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a house on Glenarm Terrace in Dallington. The chimney fell off the roof during the September earthquake and the bricks are still lying on the ground. A tarpaulin has been placed over the top of the hole to prevent water damage inside the house. Ironically, it has been weighed down with bricks. Spring flowers can be seen in the garden.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of a portaloo outside a residential property in Christchurch. After the 22 February 2011 earthquake, many houses had no running water and were forced to use chemical toilets or portaloos placed along the street. There is flooding and liquefaction on the street in the foreground. Liquefaction silt has been piled on the side of the road and a road cone placed in front.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph looking north across Tuam Street to Poplar Lane. Bricks from earthquake-damaged buildings litter the lane. A car parked on the left side of the lane has been crushed by falling bricks. To the left of the photograph a pile of rubble from Plume is sitting on the road. Behind this are two mannequins, still hanging in the store.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of the earthquake-damage to St Paul's-Trinity-Pacific Church on Cashel Street. A large section of the left side of the building has collapsed and the rubble has scattered onto the footpath and street below. Scaffolding constructed up the left side has also collapsed. USAR codes have been spray-painted on the wall in front of the building.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A photograph of several earthquake-damaged and partially-demolished buildings on Manchester Street near the intersection of Lichfield Street. To the right two emergency management personnel are taking photographs from the intersection. On the other side of the intersection there are several chairs, tables, and a couch under a red umbrella. Another member of an emergency management team is sitting on the couch.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Aftermath of the earthquake in Christchurch where the cleanup has begun. Teams of building inspectors gathered at the Linwood Service Centre before heading into the eastern suburbs en masse. Napier building inspectors Gary Marshall, centre left, and Rod Jarvis were joined by City Council planner, Kent Wilson, right, and Kat Newman, left, who worked as the welfare officer on the team on Dallington Terrace".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

The book launch for "The Shaken Heart Booklet", a collection of interviews with members of the Lyttelton Community put together by Sue-Ellen Sandilands (left), Bettina Evans (middle) and Jen Kenix (right). The event was held at the Lyttelton Pentanque Club, a Gap Filler project on the site of the Ground Culinary Centre on London Street. In the background, members of the public are also making wool medals to celebrate the achievements of the community after the earthquake.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

A information board on the fence around the Homestead at Mona Vale. It says 'This hertiage building is managed by the Christchurch City Council on behalf of the city's residents. Until recently it served as a restaurant and function centre. This building was damaged in the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes and ongoing aftershocks. Propping walls and other support is designed to keep the building weather-proof until a decision about its future can be made'.

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shoppers and tourists in the Re:Start mall. The photographer comments, "The new temporary city mall has been open in Christchurch now for a week. Buildings damaged in the earthquake have been demolished and replaced with cargo containers to create a new, temporary, Cashel Mall. I visited the mall yesterday and was quite impressed with what they have done. The cargo containers have been nicely converted, brightly painted and smartly branded to create some good looking stores".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shoppers and tourists in the Re:Start mall. The photographer comments, "The new temporary city mall has been open in Christchurch now for a week. Buildings damaged in the earthquake have been demolished and replaced with cargo containers to create a new, temporary, Cashel Mall. I visited the mall yesterday and was quite impressed with what they have done. The cargo containers have been nicely converted, brightly painted and smartly branded to create some good looking stores".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shoppers and tourists in the Re:Start mall. The photographer comments, "The new temporary city mall has been open in Christchurch now for a week. Buildings damaged in the earthquake have been demolished and replaced with cargo containers to create a new, temporary, Cashel Mall. I visited the mall yesterday and was quite impressed with what they have done. The cargo containers have been nicely converted, brightly painted and smartly branded to create some good looking stores".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shoppers and tourists in the Re:Start mall. The photographer comments, "The new temporary city mall has been open in Christchurch now for a week. Buildings damaged in the earthquake have been demolished and replaced with cargo containers to create a new, temporary, Cashel Mall. I visited the mall yesterday and was quite impressed with what they have done. The cargo containers have been nicely converted, brightly painted and smartly branded to create some good looking stores".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shoppers and tourists in the Re:Start mall. The photographer comments, "The new temporary city mall has been open in Christchurch now for a week. Buildings damaged in the earthquake have been demolished and replaced with cargo containers to create a new, temporary, Cashel Mall. I visited the mall yesterday and was quite impressed with what they have done. The cargo containers have been nicely converted, brightly painted and smartly branded to create some good looking stores".

Images, UC QuakeStudies

Shoppers and tourists in the Re:Start mall. The photographer comments, "The new temporary city mall has been open in Christchurch now for a week. Buildings damaged in the earthquake have been demolished and replaced with cargo containers to create a new, temporary, Cashel Mall. I visited the mall yesterday and was quite impressed with what they have done. The cargo containers have been nicely converted, brightly painted and smartly branded to create some good looking stores".