A photograph of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Building, the Copthorne Hotel, and the Forsyth Barr Building taken from the corner of Kilmore and Colombo Streets. In the background, a crane is hanging over the city.
Members of the public walking up Colombo Street in the aftermath of the 22 February earthquake. Behind them emergency personnel are using a crane to check the floors of the Forsyth Barr building for trapped people.
A photograph of the Oxford on Avon Bar and Restaurant on the corner of Colombo Street and Oxford Terrace. The entrance has been boarded up with plywood and cracks can be seen in the building's facade.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Copthorne Hotel on Colombo Street with the demolition site of the Allan McLean building to the left. Liquefaction is visible in the foreground".
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Pretty Things on Colombo Street. Wire fencing, road cones and Civil Defence tape have been placed around the buildings as a cordon.
A photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The demolition site of the Louis Vuitton Building on the corner of Cathedral Square and Colombo Street".
The Christ Church Cathedral viewed from north Colombo Street. The collapsed tower can be seen as well as emergency personnel, including members of the police and the fire service, working in the rubble.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to Kim's Restaurant on Colombo Street. The gable on the left side of the building has crumbled, the bricks falling into The Painted Room next door.
A photograph of Helen Campbell repairing the mosaic on Crack'd for Christchurch's ottoman artwork. The ottoman is in the Green Room garden on Colombo Street.
A photograph of Pretty Things on Colombo Street, with damage to the front wall and fencing around the building. A red sticker can be seen on the front door, indicating that the building is unsafe to enter.
A photograph of the Edgeware Law and South of the Border building on Colombo Street with a severely damaged top storey. Wire fencing has been placed around the building as a cordon.
A photograph of a decorated fence. A sign on the fence advertises Gap Filler's first project. Behind the fence, an excavator is demolishing a building on Colombo Street.
A photograph of Helen Campbell in the Green Room garden on Colombo Street. Helen has been repairing Crack'd for Christchurch's armchair and ottoman mosaics.
A photograph of plywood taped to the broken glass of Coco's Hair Design on Colombo Street. A green sticker in the window indicates that the building has been inspected and is safe to enter.
A photograph of the earthquake damage to a block of shops on Colombo Street. The top section of the shops have collapsed and the bricks have spilled onto the footpath and road below.
A black and white historic photograph of the reconstruction of Armstrong & Co., a major department store on the corner of Colombo and Armagh Streets, [ca. 1930].
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Shops on Colombo Street between Kilmore Street and Peterborough Street".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Shops on Colombo Street between Kilmore Street and Peterborough Street".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Shops on Colombo Street between Kilmore Street and Peterborough Street".
Photograph captioned by Fairfax, "Major earthquake hits Christchurch. Shops on Colombo Street between Kilmore Street and Peterborough Street".
A photograph of carved stonework lying on the ground at the corner of High Street, Hereford Street and Colombo Street.
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "The demolition of the Grand Chancellor Hotel from Cashel Street near Colombo Street".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Looking south down Manchester Street, with Lichfield Street at the bottom and High Street diagonally".
Photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Looking south down Manchester Street, with Lichfield Street at the bottom and High Street diagonally".
An aerial photograph captioned by BeckerFraserPhotos, "Central city looking north west".
A photograph of the TSB Bank Building on the corner of Colombo and Hereford Streets.
A photograph of the TSB Bank Building on the corner of Colombo and Hereford Streets.
A photograph of the TSB Bank Building on the corner of Colombo and Hereford Streets.
A photograph of the TSB Bank Building on the corner of Colombo and Hereford Streets.
A photograph of the TSB Bank Building on the corner of Colombo and Hereford Streets.